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土耳其经济 九

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-15 0:20 已读 1402 次  



上面介绍了很多土耳其的经济情况要讲土耳其的经济,我想不光只是讲土耳其本身在全球化背景下,土耳其这样的战略地位国家没有几个,有些资源应该是在顶层中央政府的控制之中的,比如说,全球有几个大的航天工业和汽车制造基地,土耳其就是其中一个。我想土耳其的经济应该是有几个可能的发展经济圈的: 一个是环绕黑海经济圈,一个是地中海跟欧洲相连经济带,一个是地中海中东经济带,还有一个是沿两河流域一直去波斯湾的经济带。首先在能源上,土耳其主要的能源都是烧煤,烧煤有污染,我觉得应该跟俄国合作,多建几个核电站,或者从黑海地区水力发电站,伊拉克阿塞拜疆地区的石油发电厂进口电力,或者在安纳托利亚高原多建一点风力发电系统土耳其的石油和天然气大部分是从伊拉克,伊朗和俄国进口,也就是地中海中东经济带,应该要建设一系列的石油储存系统。地中海中东经济带应该多发展,风力和太阳能。


The Above talks a lot of about Turkey's economy, and I think for economy , it's not just Turkey itself. In the context of Globalization, there are a few countries with a strategic position like Turkey, and some resources should be under the control of the top central government. For example, there are several large space industry and automobile manufacturing bases in the world. Turkey is one of them. I think Turkey's economy should have several possible economic circles: one is around the Black Sea economic circle, one is the economic belt along the Mediterranean Sea and Europe, and the other is the economic zone of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, The last is the economic belt that runs along the two river basins to the Persian Gulf. First of all, in terms of energy, the main source of energy in Turkey is by burning coal, which is polluting. I think they should cooperate with Russia to build more nuclear power stations, or from the Black Sea area, to build hydroelectric power stations. import electricity from Oil power plants in Iraq and Azerbaijan or build more wind power systems in the Anatolian plateau. Turkey, which imports most of its oil and gas from Iraq, Iran and Russia, on the Mediterranean and Middle East economic belt, should build a series of oil storage systems. The Mediterranean Middle East economic belt should develop more wind and solar energy.

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