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土耳其经济 八

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-15 0:18 已读 1421 次  





Electricity is generated mainly from coal, gas (about a third each) and hydro (about a quarter) with a small but growing amount from other renewables such as wind and solar.Nuclear power plants are under construction.





Turkey produces a lot of lignite, almost all of which is burnt in power stations. supplied by Russia, All 81 provinces in Turkey are supplied with natural gas, which supplies most of the heat.Almost all oil is imported: mostly from Iraq, Iran and Russia and oil also transits from Azerbajan. Turkey has no operational nuclear reactors, but it is building its first nuclear power plant at Akkuyu, with expected operation in 2023.





Hydroelectricity in Turkey is the largest renewable source of electricity however solar power looks likely to increase rapidly. Wind power in Turkeyis mainly in the west.


就多样性而言, 目前土耳其生产了约60种不同的矿物。该国最丰富的矿藏是硼盐,其他自然资源包括煤,铁矿石,铜,铬,铀,锑,汞,金,重晶石,硼酸盐,天青石(锶),金刚砂,长石,石灰石,菱镁矿,大理石,珍珠岩,浮石,黄铁矿(硫磺),粘土,耕地,水电和地热发电。


Turkey is the tenth-ranked producer of minerals in the world in terms of diversity. Around 60 different minerals are currently produced in Turkey. The richest mineral deposits in the country are boron salts,  other natural resources include coaliron orecopperchromiumuraniumantimonymercurygoldbariteboratecelestine (strontium), emeryfeldsparlimestonemagnesitemarbleperlitepumicepyrites (sulfur), clayarable landhydropower, and geothermal power.

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