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讲基督教 二十五

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-12 0:26 已读 1476 次  




两个最广为接受的圣礼是洗礼和圣餐(或圣餐), 然而大多数基督徒也承认另外五个圣礼确认 (正统传统中的基督教), 圣阶(圣职), 忏悔(或忏悔), 对生病和婚姻的恩膏 (见基督教关于婚姻的观点). 总而言之这些是高级教会传统教会所认可的七个圣礼 - 特别是天主教东正教东正教独立天主教旧天主教许多英国国教徒和一些路德教会大多数其他教派和传统通常只肯定洗礼和圣餐作为圣礼而一些新教团体如贵格会拒绝圣餐神学

The two most widely accepted sacraments are Baptism and the Eucharist (or Holy Communion), however, the majority of Christians also recognize five additional sacraments: Confirmation (Chrismation in the Orthodox tradition), Holy orders (ordination), Penance (or Confession), Anointing of the Sick and Matrimony (see Christian views on marriage). Taken together, these are the Seven Sacraments as recognized by churches in the High Church tradition—notably CatholicEastern OrthodoxOriental OrthodoxIndependent CatholicOld Catholic, many Anglicans and some Lutherans. Most other denominations and traditions typically affirm only Baptism and Eucharist as sacraments, while some Protestant groups, such as the Quakers, reject sacramental theology.

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