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讲基督教 二十

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-09 23:57 已读 1501 次  





Ecumenism broadly refers to movements between Christian groups to establish a degree of unity through dialogue. 



Over the last century, a number of moves have been made to reconcile the schism between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox churches. Although progress has been made, concerns over papal primacy and the independence of the smaller Orthodox churches has blocked a final resolution of the schism.



The Pentecostal revival movement began, out of a passion for more power and a greater outpouring of the Spirit. Ecumenical movements within Protestantism have focused on determining a list of doctrines and practices essential to being Christian and thus extending to all groups which fulfil these basic criteria a (more or less) co-equal status, with perhaps one's own group still retaining a "first among equal" standing. 




Ÿ  信仰父神,耶稣基督是神的儿子,圣灵

Ÿ  死亡,下降到地狱,复活和基督的提升

Ÿ  教会的圣洁和圣徒的交融

Ÿ  基督的第二次降临,审判日和信徒的救赎。


Its main points include:

Ÿ  Belief in God the FatherJesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit

Ÿ  The deathdescent into hellresurrection and ascension of Christ

Ÿ  The holiness of the Church and the communion of saints

Ÿ  Christ's second coming, the Day of Judgement and salvation of the faithful.


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