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讲基督教 一

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-05 22:57 已读 1359 次  



Dear Vladimir, 今天你让我讲基督教.这是一个比上次更大的题目,我已经开始皱眉挠头皮了。 以前没有跟着爸爸学国际政治专业,因为看见一大堆年代要背,就开始头疼前一次是讲伊斯兰教,已经感到信息过于丰富了。今天的基督教的内容,简直就是排山倒海呀。基督教比伊斯兰教更宏伟庞大,整个西方的历史、文化就是基督教宗教史和西方文化听说以前美国这边的大学考试,有三分之一是有关基督教宗教内容的,他们用这个办法来排除犹太教的优秀犹太学子。 后来犹太孩子,努力打破了这个界限。美国这边有很多的教会,每个街上几乎都有教堂。可能以前教会比较兴旺吧,现在大部分都是空置着只有天主教教会,因为近年来有许多的拉丁移民,还比较有人气。我们家附近的一所基督教堂,周末才开,去的基本上都是老年人,而且牧师大部分是女的。她们是从牧师学院毕业的,作为一个职业来做牧师的!现在的大学入学考试,已经没有那么多的宗教内容了。

Dear Vladimir, you asked me to talk about Christianity today. This is a even bigger requirement than last time. I've started frowning and scratching my head. I didn’t follow my father’s international political profession before, because I saw a lot of events at different times and I started to have a headache. The previous time I was talking about Islam, I already felt that the information was too rich. The content of Christianity today is simply overwhelming. Christianity is more magnificent than Islam. The history and culture of the entire West is the history of Christian religion and Western culture. I heard that one third of the university examinations in the United States were related to Christian religious content. They used this method to rule out an excellent Jewish student of Judaism. Later Jewish children tried to break this limit. There are many religions in the United States, and almost every street has a church. Maybe the church was prosperous before, and most of it is now vacant. Only the Catholic Church, because there are many Latin immigrants in recent years, is still quite popular. A Christian church near our home was opened on weekends. It was basically elderly people, and most of the pastors were women. They graduated from the pastor college and worked as a pastor for a profession! There are not so many religious contents in the current college entrance exams.

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