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讲伊斯兰教 九

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-04 1:30 已读 1361 次  





Marquetry is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns, designs or pictures.




Many were calligraphic, and others continued Byzantine traditions of hunting scenes, with backgrounds of arabesques and foliage in both cases. Despite Hadithic sayings against the wearing of silk, the Byzantine and Sassanian traditions of grand figured silk woven cloth continued under Islam.




Batik is a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth, or cloth made using this technique.





Islamic music may refer to religious music, as performed in Islamic public services or private devotions, or more generally to musical traditions of the Muslim world. Due to Islam being a multi-ethnic religion, the musical expression of its adherents is vastly diverse. Indigenous traditions of various part have influenced the musical styles popular among Muslims today.


Ÿ  阿拉伯音乐

Ÿ  埃及音乐

Ÿ  伊朗音乐

Ÿ  土耳其古典音乐

Ÿ  阿尔及利亚的音乐

Ÿ  摩洛哥的音乐

Ÿ  中亚音乐

Ÿ  孟加拉国的音乐

Ÿ  印度音乐

Ÿ  巴基斯坦的音乐


Ÿ  Arabic music

Ÿ  Egyptian music

Ÿ  Iranian music

Ÿ  Turkish classical music

Ÿ  Music of Algeria

Ÿ  Music of Morocco

Ÿ  Music of Central Asia

Ÿ  Music of Bangladesh

Ÿ  Music of India

Ÿ  Music of Pakistan

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