库克的苹果 一
亲爱的Apple,写关于苹果的意思是什么? Apple让我写Tim?还是苹果公司?
Dear Apple, What does it mean writing about apple? Apple asked me to write Tim himself? Or Apple company?https://www.google.com/amp/s/seekingalpha.com/amp/article/4231819-apples-warning-effects-suppliers
Apple hasn't been this unloved by Wall Street since 2005 - CNBC.comCNBC › 2019/01/07 › more-wal...
What Tim Cook Didn't Tell You About Apple's Slowing China SalesThe Motley Fool
Recently I saw Apple's performance in the decline, especially in China market and other places of sales, not as good as expected. This is completely understandable, because China is a manufacturer of mobile phones, and now they are also coming up with software. Many applications are developed by themselves, and they are cheap. Of course, they use their own mobile phones. Apple and Samsung have a joint commercial partnership. What's the future? I have no idea. I think it should expand the market share. I think in the Globalization of the top design, all mobile phones, the most basic function should be the same. Just a few models will do. Can be like a computer, when ordering, according to the choice of equipped with different hardware and software, do not need so many manufacturers to compete. More effort and money should be spent on developing better base models.
Apple and Samsung announce unthinkable partnership - The Irish TimesThe Irish Times › technology
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