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库克和盖茨 二

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-05-28 0:23 已读 1470 次  





Dear Apple and Math, I think you two are perfect for living in China. Why? Because the Chinese culture is the way of Confucius and Mencius, that is, with social classes. A privileged class like you, you have plenty of resources and a lot of people around to serve you! Like Apple, you can't be gay in China. Because you grew up around a bunch of girls, can not have homosexual tendencies. When you grow up, they will put all kinds of beautiful women next to you. As long as you have free time, beautiful women will occupy your life. Do you like the beautiful girls of Central Asia who dance in Xinjiang? They will send you some chauffeurs, waiters! You like smart and beautiful girls, there are a lot of engineering girls, the daughter of the CEOs of a large telecommunications company, or electronics and information industry female executive, there will always be one get your heart. In China's big city hotels, high-class guest houses, there are many SPA massage rooms, they can also give you special services. No one knows when the door is closed. Every time you go to China, they match beauty for you, why do you ignore it? You want to be tired, except in bed, nothing else is too tired! You like children, these beautiful women would already take you captive, let you be a father. 

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