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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-05-27 0:45 已读 1463 次  





And subtropical temperate regions such as this should consider preserving the ecological environment for more people to live, especially with families and old age, or as a place to develop seasonal economies in the spring and summer of the north and south Instead of considering the development of polluting industries. Industry should be brought as close as possible to the source of raw materials and as far away from population density area as possible. And try to get young, single people to work as much as possible. The world's tourist resources, geological wonders, mountains and watersides, cultural heritage, artificial theme parks, and so on. There should be a combination of different climates, latitudes, and if you want some of the less developed countries to get quick capital, offer concessions to these destinations, or organize a series of big events there.

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