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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-05-26 1:15 已读 1454 次  



Jackie 领了一大包回来喜出望外的。这个寒假她几乎把所有学会的舞蹈,拉丁舞,Zumba, 肚皮舞,都跳了一遍。而且在为泰国国王和东南亚领袖们,弹他们那边的当年的流行歌曲时,乐曲唤醒了他们年轻时的回忆,他们都忍不住跟着唱起来,连Steven也来凑热闹一起唱,真是令人难忘的,让人尽兴而欢的聚会呀!Dear Vladimir你什么时候来呀?觉得应该让各国领袖们每次来都带点礼物特产过来。不光是吃的,还应该有一些珍贵的或者有当地特色的礼品什么的。按照美国的法律,超过一定价值,是要充公的。所以可以在盖蒂艺术中心,专门开辟一个展览馆,用来展示这些带来的各种礼物。记得上次巴西总统Termer 去中国开会就专程带去了一套巴西狂欢节的桑巴女郎装饰太漂亮了太炫目了。我在想数学女儿愿不愿意把那匹阿拉伯白马,也放在盖蒂艺术中心,或者诺氏莓园。是沙特国王赠送给数学的,可以为他做广告.同时作为一个游乐项目,放在花园里,或者让孩子们可以骑着,沿着中心走一圈,可以收费的。这样数学就免去很多养马的费用了。哈哈哈


Jackie got a big bag back and was overjoyed. This winter vacation, she almost danced all the dances, Latin, Zumba, belly dances. And in front of Thai King and Southeast Asian leaders she played the their local popular songs of their time, the music awakened their memories of their youth. They couldn’t help but singing, even Steven came to join in the fun and sing together. Unforgettable, fun and happy party! Dear Vladimir, when are you coming? I feel that national leaders should bring some gift specials every time they come. Not only food, but also some precious or local gifts. According to the laws of the United States, more than a certain value is to be confiscated. So at the Getty Center, you can open up an exhibition hall to showcase the various gifts that come with them. I remember that last time President of Brazil, Termer, went to China for a meeting. He took a special set of samba girl decorations for the Brazilian Carnival. It was so beautiful and dazzling.  I am thinking that the math daughter is willing to put the Arabian white horse in the Getty Center, or the Knott’s Berry Garden. It is given to mathematics by the King of Saudi Arabia and can be advertised for him. At the same time, as a play project, it can be placed in the garden, or the children can ride and walk along the center for a fee. This mathematics eliminates the cost of raising a lot of horses. Hahaha



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