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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-05-25 0:16 已读 1585 次  



我觉得如果象这样全球化,会有很多政府的或者精英们的来往,应该选一个比较宽大的空间,较正式典雅的场地!如果觉得犹太人拥有的资源比较放心的话,那可以去盖蒂艺术中心啊!那儿有很多的空房间,而且很高雅,又有花园,面向太平洋,风景绝佳!我可以周五晚上把 Jackie放在Steven或者David家,周日再去接她。那以后学画画也都方便,可行吗?千万记得请给我报酬,我可以买新车和加油啊。这次沙特阿拉伯的沙拉曼国王来,还特地给数学带了豪礼,一匹白马,寓意深刻呀。泰国的国王好像特别喜欢小Jackie,第一次见面就为她特地点了泰茶冰淇淋。第二次还留她晚点走,因为他要教她怎么跳婀娜多姿的泰国舞!而且还为她买裙子!太谢谢了。昨天,我们可爱可亲的Apple and David又为Jackie买衣服了谢谢你们!


I feel that if we are globalized like this, there will be many government officials or elites come. We should choose a more spacious space, a more formal and elegant venue! If you feel that the Jewish resources are more reassuring, then you can go to Getty Center! There are a lot of empty rooms, and it is very elegant, and there is a garden facing the Pacific Ocean. The scenery is excellent! I can put Jackie on Steven or David's house on Friday night and pick her up on Sunday. After that, it is convenient to learn to draw, is it feasible? Please remember to give me a reward, I can buy a new car and come on. This time, the King Salaman of Saudi Arabia came to give a special gift to mathematicsa white horse has a profound meaning. The king of Thailand seems to like the little Jackie especially. When he first met her, he specially arranged Thai tea ice cream for her. The second time I pick her late, because he wanted to teach her how to dance the graceful Thai dance! And he also bought a dress for her! Thank you so much. Yesterday, our lovely Apple and David bought clothes for Jackie! Thank you.

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