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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-05-25 0:07 已读 1517 次  



亲爱的Steven ,现在越来越多的孩子将参加此次活动。世界上有许多领导者都有孩子。如果你把孩子们聚集在一起,请挑选一些领导者让他们孩子自己做活动。通过这种方式,他们可以更自由,他们可以互相认识。他们可以交朋友,他们可以互相了解,他们可以做他们喜欢做的事情。 当他们长大后,他们有联系,他们可以互相帮助。当然,亲爱的Steven ,你仍然关心并照看 Jackie! Jackie长大后,如果她想出去旅行,可我不能和她一起去,我不想多花钱。如果孩子们在一起,那让Jackie去找他们。我还在想,如果JackieMath的女儿可不可以明年去莫斯科寻找弗拉基米尔的儿子,并去圣彼得堡的冬宫去看油画吗?

Dear Steven, now more and more children will come to the event. There are many leaders in the world who have children. Should you bring the children together, pick a few leaders and let kids do the activities themselves. In this way, they can be more free, they can know each other. They can make friends, they can understand each other, and they can do what they like to do. When they grow up, they have connections and they can help each other. Of course, dear Steven you still care a lot and watching Jackie! After Jackie is growing up, if she wants to go out for a trip, I can't go around with her, and I do not want to spend more. If the children are together, let Jackie go find them. I am still wondering , if Jackie and Math's daughter will go to Moscow to find Vladimir's son next year , and go to the Hermitage in St. Petersburg to see the oil painting?

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