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送交者: 杭州阿立[♂☆★★★江南情节★★★☆♂] 于 2023-04-09 8:36 已读 2614 次  



回答: Kebab 不是绑在一个铁杆子上的烤肉?卖的人拿刀割下一片片的卖。 由 绿岛阳光 于 2023-04-09 8:05

Kebabs consist of cut up or ground meat, sometimes with vegetables and various other accompaniments according to the specific recipe. Although kebabs are typically cooked on a skewer over a fire, some kebab dishes are oven-baked in a pan, or prepared as a stew such as tas kebab. The traditional meat for kebabs is most often lamb meat, but regional recipes may include beef, goat, chicken, fish, or even pork (depending on whether or not there are specific religious prohibitions).
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