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送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2023-04-01 22:11 已读 613 次  






Is there a universally accepted symbol for karma?

In China, when people talk about karma, what they usually emphasise is reward or punishment.

It seems that the goal is always more important than the straight arrow.

If karma had a universally accepted symbol or sign, it would mean that we could assure ourselves that our good deeds would certainly be rewarded and our bad deeds punished.

Although I wonder how the universe can tell which actions are good or bad and how good or bad they are.

Let us assume that this is possible, then it is reasonable to assume that we would have a new, perfect world with little need for any police.

In reality, because it is obvious that the police are busy all over the world, it is also reasonable to assume that there must not be an obvious symbol or sign to indicate karma.

If there is a little, it must be too subtle or known only to a few, otherwise it would be universally accepted.

In fact the above assumption is a shallow thought.

Can such a sign or symbol really bring us a heaven?

Is a person really a good person if he does good deeds just to be rewarded or if he would certainly do bad deeds if there were no punishment?

If he is a really bad person, do you really believe that he will give up doing bad things for fear of punishment?

When you treat a person the way you treat a thief, for example by labelling him with a concept like original sin, he will act like a thief because he becomes more and more convinced that thievery is his true nature.

In the novel Les Misérables, Jean Valjean is not punished for stealing silverware, and that changes him. Perhaps that was the first time he was not treated as a thief.

If we can remove ourselves from all labels, concepts, images, phenomena ...... including the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the winners, the losers, ..... , from all kinds of id-s including body, mind and spiritual experience, we may find that our true nature is beyond all these things and always present.

As a result, you no longer care about whether there is causality or reward or punishment.

Although it seems to me that each of us has a response at every moment of our lives and does not need to wait for the afterlife or the next life.

When you do good things, the beautiful images you see, such as the smiles of your loved ones, are the reward.

When you do bad things and the sight before you makes you frown or feel disgusted deep inside you, that is the punishment.

Are there very sick people who can suppress the feeling of disgust so deeply that they convince themselves that they are enjoying it?

I don't know. Maybe they're just in fiction.

Since I'm definitely not one of those people, I doubt that there are any such people among others.

If you think otherwise, allow me to introduce you to a Chinese poem, 'A thousand rivers have a thousand moons', but there is only one moon, the moon.

This means that all of us may be played by the same actor, the only one, and when you hurt someone else, you are hurting another you, and yourself.

Because it always takes a certain amount of time to do, to act, including watching and listening.

What you feel is not the present, but a history.

There is no such thing as "at the same time" or "in the same place".

So when you hurt yourself, you are actually hurting another you at a different time.

Because everything, including yourself and the earth, is in constant motion.

This you at a different time is also another you in a different place.

So why don't you help those who could be or should be another you or yourself.
People are divided into different prisons of the mind.

Not only are they used to these walls, but they are born into them, a brick in the wall, and they even enjoy it so much that they are willing to sacrifice everything for words like "glory" (or, ironically, "freedom").

这些墙,或者prisons of mind,大约可以分成两类:左派,理想派,乐观主义,性善论者:天上会降下个圣贤,怀揣大任,赐给我们真理或进步。悲观派,保守派,悲观主义,性恶论者:人的智慧顶多分析一下电视剧剧情,“电视机原理”属于不可知,永远的迷。




常有人感叹宇宙之大,人之渺小,不知人生意义何在。 不要把自己看得太渺小,宇宙也不过就是一张墙纸而已。没有我们感受其大,它即便再大,也隐没在沉沉黑暗之中。太阳再亮,没有生命之眼,亮了也是白亮。  




性相近不是性相同。如果都是本善或本恶的就该说性相同。君子和而不同,小人同而不和。 孔子只说过性相近,没说过人本善,那是狗皇帝指使人栽的赃。 

每个人本性到底如何,也是个迷,肯定不是纯善或纯恶的。根据我的观察,我认为小孩和动物(特别是较低级的),行为全靠本能,无所谓善恶, 抢奶喝是没什么险恶用心的,不抢的反而有问题。 


西方的原罪说,性恶论,有其成功之处,例如建立了许许多多制度来互相监督。但也容易让人自暴自弃,据说在HBO剧集罪夜之奔 The Night Of里有所描绘。 


 我希望大家不要 自暴自弃。有一点是我对这个世界最满意的,那就是我们可以随时随地从新开始。空性起缘,缘起性空。缘起缘灭,缘灭缘起。方生方死,方死方生。其性本空,无寿命可计(无寿者相,参见《金刚经》)过去种种譬如昨日死,以后种种譬如今日生。


钱能生钱。权能生富贵。由于科技的发展做大了蛋糕。穷还是富其实不重要。追捧winner的光鲜亮丽是个障眼法。无论哪一国,包括所谓的精英,在为战争做准备的现代化连锁化标准化教育下越来越丧失独立思考的能力,才是最糟糕的。 把他们的一团浆糊复制给你,并没有使他们更聪明。无论中外,声音大的,大都是糊涂的。 6park.com

所谓真理的代表人代理人,都是人民的敌人。敌人的敌人还是敌人。 共产党与国民党,都是列宁党的克隆。 希特勒与斯大林,都是国家垄断资本。 太平天国与满清,都是天降大任,尔等合该跪伏。 6park.com

民主,真理,国家,民族,等等各种slogan,都是把我们绑在战车上的锁链。 6park.com

无产阶级一无所有,失去的只有锁链,所谓锁链,就是指国家,民族,甚至包括阶级(在死亡面前,人人都是无产阶级),还有宗教,乃至Glory,Freedom, 等等各种slogan,都是把我们绑在战车上的锁链 。 6park.com

天地未必不仁,战争的确不仁。 6park.com

死人的事常有。死多少人不是重点。人越来越不像人,慧命几乎断绝,才是重点。 6park.com

刀不会杀人。杀人的是人,不是刀。科技再高再发达也只是工具而己。可叹的是,所谓的文明,尤其是所谓的现代化,体系化,标准化,正在使人越来越不是人了,都成了工具,成了刀。 6park.com

我觉得人们对战争的危害不是高估,而是低估了。 即便假设现在全球没有战争或大的战争了。其危害仍然遍及全球。 因为为战争做的准备,尤其是思想上的准备比战争本身要糟糕得多。
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