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11.6.4 离系果

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2023-03-24 23:46 已读 11100 次  



回答: 11.6 五果 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2023-02-10 0:09

The “Is” is 3rd person singular present indicative of be, means tethering livings and binding lives, is the characteristic of preconsciousness, aka Eve-sense, that it always "grasps at things nearby". And when it is "grasped" by Eve-sense the mother of all livings in this way, that thing is becoming alive, real, i.e., infused into the consciousness, or rather, dyed with living matter, and becomes the body of “internal along-think ego”, or rather, becomes the body of Abel, therefore Is means tethering livings and binding lives.

Eve-sense and Adam-sense (i.e., the contaminated part of the unconscious) cooperate closely together, the tethering livings and binding lives progress very quickly, just in dozens seconds they can give life to a small world beings. Therefore, they aggregate huge number of juristic dusts, and that is why Eve-sense is regarded as a contamination in Buddhism, and Adam-sense has also serious faults. Sentients are annoyances and muddles; annoyances and muddles are sentients. Human becomes a slave to annoyances and muddles just because Eve-sense and Adam-sense are tethered up so many sentient beings, by which overloaded human being.

Off-is means liberation and emancipation, which means to baptize Eve-sense, to circumcise the bad seeds in the Adam-sense, to destroy the 84,000 demonic armies (cf. section 14.3), and to liberate human from unnecessary loads. The off-is fruit, is fruit of studying and practicing path crux, being free from fetters, and transcending the vicious cycle of birth and death (cf. section, is synonym for salvation, enlightenment, liberation, and nirvana.

插图11.6.4的生命之树是墨西哥的特拉洛克(约在公元1325前后)画的。图33和35是此树的四个离系果,亦作四沙门果,分别是入流果、一来果、不还果、和罗汉果。图35的头像是四果圣人阿罗汉,是佛,亦作罗汉山、和尚山、金刚山、应供、杀贼。图36左显示离系果是禁果,与取相违。图36中表示此生命之树的果实是基于墨西哥之父 “青松石王子” (又名左翼蜂鸟,本书翻译为舍利王)而长成的。图36右显示若宗教的发起人是个自私的凡人,他们的生命之树结毒果。此四沙门果的具体定义参见15.2节;本小节说离系果的基本原理。
The tree of life in Illustration 11.6.4 was painted by Tlaloc of Mexico (around 1325 CE). Figures 33 and 35 show the four off-is fruits of this tree, also known as the four shamanic fruits, namely, enter-stream, one-come, no-return, and Ararat fruit. Figure 35 shows the fourth fruit sage Ararat, a Buddha, also known as Mount Ararat, Monk Mountain, Philosopher-Stone Mountain, Should Be Common-ed With, Thief Slayer. The left side of Figure 36 shows that the off-is fruits are forbidden fruits, contrary to fetch. The middle of Figure 36 shows that the fruits of this Tree of Life are based on the Father of Mexico, "Turquoise Prince", aka Huitzilopochtli. The right side of Figure 36 shows that if the initiator of the religion is a selfish mortal, their Tree of Life bears poisonous fruits. See section 15.2 for specific definitions of the four shamanic fruits; this subsection states the basic principles of the off-is fruits.

The off-is fruits are forbidden fruits. Forbidden fruits do not mean that they are poisonous and uneatable, rather, it means that the fruits can not be fetched, because they have the same attributes as unconsciousness. Unconsciousness only corresponds to nature of renunciation, only matches to equality renunciation and empty, non-combinable with have, contradicts fetch and aggregate. If you were to fetch the off-is fruit, it fades, dies, and you would lose holy spiritual water, as shown in right of fig 36.

为了取得和持有离系果,古人建立了基于涅盘的无为法。无字代表涅槃,如插图2所示,区别于有为法。有为法是基于图14的帝释天(即转移身见,我)的法,如五蕴中的94位法,都是有为法。唐玄奘(公元602- 664)依据成就涅槃的程度不同设立了六位无为法,分别是虚空无为、择灭无为、非择灭无为、不动无为、想受灭无为、和真如无为。
In order to attain and hold the off-is fruits, Ancients established the Non-as (i.e., None-as) Law based on nirvana which is as shown in Illustration 2. The word None represents nirvana, distinguishing it from the Have-as Law. The Have-as Law is based on the Seth Sky (i.e., translocation body view, I) of Fig. 14, such as the 94 laws talked in five nodes, all are have-as laws. Tang Xuanzang (602- 664 CE) established six positions of Non-as Laws based on different degrees of attainment of nirvana: vague empty non-as, selective termination non-as, non-selective termination non-as, immovability non-as, think acceptance extinction non-as, true suchness non-as.

在现代的英语世界中无为法被称为“Un-striving Law”,但几乎没内容,是空白;在自然科学分类中有这种被称为自然法的分类,但内容是空白。
In the modern English-speaking world, the Non-as Law is called "Un-striving Law", but there is almost no content, it is blank; in the classification of natural sciences there is this classification called natural law, but the content is blank.

I) Vague Empty None-as. Both ancient and modern psychology have discovered this kind of person who has such a personality or worldview, looking from vague to empty. To be at peace in ever-changing environments, to do nothing, to be open to everything, is “vague empty none-as”. In addition, some people are good at research, love reading, observing flying flowers and falling leaves, and then realize juristic nature and Aggregate Arousal (cf. section 14.1), and become a Path Explorer Buddha. Because such people's enlightenment is superficial and hazy, not thorough, not systematic, their enlightenments are also “vague empty none-as”.

II) Selective Termination None-as is saying that some Annoyance Hindrance and Know Hindrance (refer to are selectively eliminated. Such as in section 15.2, the first three shamanic fruits, all are this kind of achievement. And in chapter 16 Path Crux, achievements from the first land to the seventh lands, all belong to this category.

III) Non-selective Termination None-as, no intelligent selection, depending on immaculateness of juristic nature, practitioner migrates on “Philosopher-Stone Nonintermittent Path” (such as the Great Flood in the Bible; cf. section 16.7 and chapter 17), arrives at termination on both good and evil. Ararat fruit in section 15.2, and achievements from the eighth land to the tenth land in chapter 16, all belong to this kind of achievements.

IV) Immovability None-as, after “Philosopher-Stone Nonintermittent Path”, or the repeated study and testaments on those true-suchness in Four Cruxes over a long period of time, the practitioner arouses victorious behaviors in emptiness. Preconsciousness becomes still, namely Immovability, when it encounters empty, does not move, does not discriminate, and because of this all annoyances can not move; this state is called immovability none-as, is the achievement of Mount Ararat and Mahasattvas of the eighth land and above.

戊)想受灭无为,亦名灭尽定、亦名灭受想定、常寂光天(即插图11.6.4-2)、圆成实相、无余依涅槃、毕竟空等。修习者依第四禅力,熄灭想和受这两位遍行心所有法,心停滞于常寂光中,清净自在,即是想受灭无为。没有主观和客观的区别,那心(即思想意识)怎么会存在呢?答:客观环境是普遍的常的状态。因为常无名、无数、无量,所以说是无所有天。那状态只有常,没有业变量,所以被称为常寂光天。“天”字代表无意识的纯净部分,义为安静,深奥的知识。也是从这里把无意识的污染部分划分给了亚当识(即阿赖耶识),并定义其为黑色, 是地。佛教以清净为天,烦恼为地,夏娃识(即前意识,即末那识)为众生。
V) Think Acceptance Extinction None-as, alias Constant Silent Sky (Fig. 11.6.4-2), consummate fact, non-dependent nirvana, empty after all, termination end stillness, etc. Depending on power of fourth meditation, to extinguish Think and Acceptance the two omnipresent heartland laws, heart dwells in Constant Silent Sky lucidly, immaculate, self-sufficient, is “think acceptance extinction” none-as. There is no distinction between subjective and objective, so how can heart (i.e., mind) stand? Answer: The environment is pervasively constant. Because the constant is nameless, numberless, and quantity-less, it is said to be the “not subjectively have sky”. That state has only constant and no karmic variables, so it is called the “constant silent light sky”. The word "sky" represents the immaculate part of unconsciousness, meaning quietness and profound knowledge. It is also from here that the contaminated part of unconsciousness is divided into Adam-sense and defined it as black, the earth. In Buddhism, quietness is sky, annoyances are earth, and Eve-sense is crowds of sentients.

VI) True Suchness Non-as, on the basis of these seven kinds of true suchness, the practitioner attains the off-is fruit. (1) Cycle True Suchness is talking of circulating factuality of Have-as Law, cf. section (2) Factuality True Suchness is manifestation when human is empty, and law is empty. This true suchness is nirvana, is Fig 11.6,4-2. (3) Sense Only True Suchness is saying that both contaminated laws and immaculate laws are senses only. (4) Establishment True Suchness is chapter 13 Bitter Crux. (5) Ferocious Behavior True Suchness is chapter 14 Aggregate Crux. (6) Quietness True Suchness is chapter 15 Salvation Crux. (7) Correct Behavior True Suchness is chapter 16 Path Crux.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_11_13 6:29:38编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_07 7:44:00编辑

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