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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-15 22:03 已读 1433 次  



俄国克里姆林宫1800人军官舞会Russian Kremlin 1800 officers’ ball




Russia had a officers' ball in the Kremlin, and 1800 people went! There are too many people, there is no prominent theme, and the dances are too traditional. First of all, I think we should congratulate the opening of such a large dance. Secondly, I think balls should be divided into three categories. The first is to hold a banquet like a meeting of the Chinese leadership, with professional people performing on it. The second kind is the person who attends the banquet, may also have the opportunity to arrive at the central improvisation to dance, simultaneously may intersperse the specialized artistic troupe's performance. The third is suitable for young people, large social dance, Latin dance, disco, can also be the Arab sword dance, the Middle East Dabke




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