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Vera Wang也来了

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-10 1:09 已读 1556 次  



Demosthenes是一个古希腊的口才卓越的雄辩家。不知道他和民主一词有什么关系。但是Bill Clinton是民主党的。Demo也有展示的意思展示全球化的政治进程所以叫他“Demo “ 也请求他写短文,对世界中央顶层联邦政府,是怎么想的?他满口答应了。今天Vera Wang也很高兴地答应,她以后每个星期都会来。请Vera JackieMa数学的女儿时装设计,可以!” 真谢谢她!上次跟Steven亚瑟王圆桌十二骑士现在还缺政治,法律,艺术,金融,经济,医疗,教育,宗教,军队等方面的人。现在有了政治法律艺术应该找 Greenspan, Joseph Francis Dunford, Jr.or MattisJohn Roberts, 等人


Demosthenes was an eloquent orator of ancient Greece. I wonder what he has to do with democracy. But Bill Clinton is Democratic. Demo is also for demonstration, to demonstrate how Globalization is politically moving on! So I call him "Demo" and ask him to write a short essay about the top central federal government of the world. What does he think of it? He said he will! Super! Today Vera Wang, was happy to say that she would come every week. I Ask Vera to teach Jackie and Math's daughter fashion design, "Yes!" Thank you so much! Last time I told Steven that, King Arthur has round table 12 Knights, you still short of people in politics, law, art, finance, economics, health care, education, religion, the military, etc. Now that you have the art , politics and law, you should ask Greenspan, Joseph Francis Dunford, Jr.,or Mattis,John Roberts, (he debated in interesting way with Jackie) and so on.

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