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讲伊朗 四

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-09 1:14 已读 1614 次  




可能伊朗的地理位置太重要美国获取太多伊朗的资源觊觎其战略地位想要对其进行全面掌控伊朗不干伊朗已经对阿拉伯帝国充满抗拒选择什叶派伊斯兰以前又对英国俄国小心防范现在对美国的企图更是充满敌意1995年以来,美国一直禁止与伊朗的贸易。 2015年,美国成功地谈判了旨在拆除伊朗核武器能力的核协议(联合综合行动计划),当伊朗于2016年遵守时,对伊朗的制裁被取消。特朗普政府于2018年重新实施制裁。


Perhaps Iran's geographical location is too important, and the United States has acquired too much of Iran's resources, coveted its strategic position, and wants to take full control of it. Iran doesn't buy it. Iran, already resistant to the Arab empire, opting for Shia Islam, has been wary of Britain and Russia, and is now even more hostile to American attempts. Since 1995, the United States has had an embargo on trade with Iran. In 2015 the United States led successful negotiations for a nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) intended to dismantle Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities, and when Iran complied in 2016, sanctions on Iran were lifted. The Trump administration re-imposed the sanctions in 2018.

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