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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-06 1:36 已读 1610 次  



伊拉克和伊朗的什叶派穆斯林 Shia Muslims in Iraq and Iran

Dear Vladimir 今天你要我讲伊拉克和伊朗的什叶派穆斯林。伊斯兰世界分为逊尼派和什叶派,绝大部分80%以上是逊尼派,而什叶派是少数,主要分布在伊朗,伊拉克,也门,土耳其。人类历史上最早的帝国是波斯帝国,早在亚历山大大帝之前。当赛勒斯大帝创立了从东欧延伸到印度河谷的阿契美尼德帝国时,它成为历史上最大的帝国之一。他们的历史,宗教和文化与阿拉伯伊斯兰文化不同。人类历史上最早的文明,发生在美索不达米亚,也就是现在的伊拉克两河流域! 伊拉克受波斯帝国,阿拉伯帝国和奥特曼帝国的统治,是一个多民族多宗教的国家,因为靠近伊朗,所以什叶派穆斯林比较多。逊尼和什叶都是在伊斯兰的世界里,象兄弟一样。但因为历史文化来源,也有很多不同的地方。伊朗和其他中东回教国家的一个关键差别,是它不同于阿拉伯文明的先伊斯兰文化,这一古老文化播及的范围,从埃及和两河流域(相当于今天的伊拉克),一直延伸到中国西部。回教在阿拉伯半岛兴起后迅速扩张,征服了以祆教(拜火教)为国教的波斯(伊朗)萨珊王朝

Dear Vladimir, today you want me to talk about Shia Muslims in Iraq and Iran. The Islamic world is divided into Sunni and Shia, with the vast majority more than 80% Sunni, while Shia is a minority, mainly in Iran, Iraq, Yemen, and Turkey. The earliest empire in human history was the Persian Empire, predating Alexander the Great. When Cyrus the Great founded the Achaemenid Empire, which stretched from Eastern Europe to the Indus Valley, it became one of the largest empires in history. Their history, religion and culture are different from Arab Islamic culture. The earliest civilization in human history took place in Mesopotamia, which is now the Iraq two Rivers Basin!  Ruled by the Persian,Arab and Ottoman empires, Iraq is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country with more Shia Muslims because of its close to Iran.  Sunni and Shia are in the Islamic world, like brothers. But because of historical and cultural sources, there are also many different places. One of the key differences between Iran and other Muslim countries in the Middle East is that it differs from the "pre-Islamic" culture of Arab civilization, an ancient culture spread from Egypt and the two river basins (corresponding to today's Iraq). As far as western China. Islam expanded rapidly after its rise in the Arabian peninsula, conquering the Sassanid dynasty of Persia (Iran), where Zoroastrianism was the state religion.





YouTube · FTD FactsPreviewPreview8:1810 Differences Between Shia and Sunni MuslimsOct 11, 2017




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