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俄裔犹太人 三

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-04 1:30 已读 1690 次  



在美国有很多著名的俄裔犹太人那我认识的就比较多了。Woody Allen, Michael Bolton, Natalie Portman,  Michael Bay, Jack Black, Michael Bloomberg, so many! 我身边就有一个呀, David Geffen! 现在每天Jackie穿衣服,都会跑来跟我说David帮我挑的,说这个好看!” Dear David 爱孩子,先要在孩子心里建立起信任,权威这是要花时间跟孩子在一起的,与孩子一起做事为其做榜样,给孩子讲道理讲事情。慢慢地,孩子就会对你依赖有感情,接受你的价值和做事方式,对你有信任。等到慢慢孩子有了能力,你就可以把她作为你的臂膀,委以重任了。David 不像 Math,没有很多带孩子经验,可是慢慢地慢慢地,Jackie会接受你作为她人生中很重要的人呢!你替她买东西她很高兴,我谢谢你。可是我还是希望你能够好好教她做人呢!是啊,几乎每天见面,当然很重要了!不过,如果是像今天这样下好大的雨,请你就好好在家休息,不要去挤那个高速路。好不好?很谢谢你!也谢谢Steven! 大大的拥抱!

There are many famous Russian Jews in America. Then I know a lot of them. Woody Allen, Michael Bolton, Natalie Portman,  Michael Bay, Jack Black, Michael Bloomberg, so many! I have one next to me, David Geffen! Now every day when Jackie gets dressed, she comes to me and says, "David picked this out for me, and it looks good!" Dear David, to love a child, first must establish the trust, the authority in the child's heart. This is to spend time with the child, do things together to set an example for the child, to explain reasons telling stories with the child. Over time, then child will have feelings of dependency, acceptance of your values and ways of doing things, and build up deep trust in you. Wait until the child has the ability, you can use her as your arms, entrusted with the task. Unlike Mr. Math, David doesn't have a lot of child experience, but slowly, Jackie accepts you as a very important person in her life. She's happy you help her shopping, and I thank you. But I still hope you can teach her how to be a good person! Yeah, you see her almost every day, of course you are important in her life! However, if it's raining as hard as today, please rest at home and don't squeeze into heavy highway traffic, Okay? Thank you so much! And thank you, Stevenalso! Big hug!

贴主:转折关头于2023_03_04 1:35:03编辑
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