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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-04 1:24 已读 1624 次  





I do not know what to say, I would like to say that God's will is to develop the potential of each person's mind, so that the combined energy is huge, human civilization will have rapid progress. I would say that the ambition of the Ottoman Empire was completely conquering, controlling all the networks of Silk Road from Asia to Europe. Although agriculture was not developed, the annual profit from trading was enough to make a good living for King Sultans and Caliphates. But their greediness, and unwillingness to share, had forced Europeans to open new avenues of trade by sea, avoiding the Silk Road, through Africa, and from afar. Since then, the Silk Road of the Islamic world in western Asia has declined and has never recovered. I saw 55-year-old Zhang Shousheng died, think about the last decade, the ghosts made my life miserable I! I've lost my job, I've lost my potential for glory, and I've to kept Jackie safe all the time. Will I have a bright future in this environment? Right now, I am not dead, not having a nervous breakdown, not suffering from depression, or am I really fortunate? I came to the United States full of hope that I have confidence, I believe that I have the ability, I believe that I can do something, to contribute, I believe that my life will not be wasted. However I am disappointed from the bottom of my heart, I feel that I came to the wrong place. On this side the education system is sorting kids out before entering college, I have to invest extra energy and money to find a good education resources for Jackie. Last time Xi and Wang found the related organization that did harm to Jackie and they promised to give me compensation. And what happened? The man died in two days later!!! Was he falling to death? Was he burnt to death? Poisoned? To commit suicide with depression? Got Crazy, killed in a car accident? Dead for no reason? Harm others, have negative energy to the society, how come those are still harming people, still not die up to now?

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