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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-02-28 1:20 已读 1469 次  



全球一体政治结构  Globalization political structure

我曾经建议习和王,可以借用联合国这个组织,让全球的国家可以加入,付予其更多的实权,如果有强有力的支撑,可以慢慢将其过度为全球管理的顶层中央政府。就好像一个大房子有很多房间,每一个房间住人,门一关自己管自己。以前落后的时候,没有电没有煤气,水要到外面河里去取。后来技术先进了,要通电通水加电话线煤气,那就要专门设计管道,线路,把整个房子连接起来。这就不可能一间房一间房自成一体,是要一整个系统的整体安排大房子外,有专门的电表水表。现在世界全球化,就处于这个整个世界系统结构的改变,要铺设新的管道线路,还要安装统一管理检测表。俄国地方大,所以他的行政结构有七层,中国有五个,美国是三层,联邦、州和城市,county 是没有实权的。如果建立世界中央政府,不知道会有多少层,国家之上,会不会还有象欧盟,非洲联盟,上合组织,这样的地区政体,或者就一个统一的中央政府!

I once suggested to Xi and Wang that could use UN organization so that countries around the world could join and give UN more real power. If there are strong supports, it could be slowly transformed into the top-level central government of global governance. It's like a big house with a lot of rooms, every room is occupied by people, the door of each room is closed and you take care of yourself. In the past, when there was no electricity no gas, water had to be fetched from the river outside. Later, the technology advanced, to connect electricity and telephone line , gas, it is necessary to specially design pipelines, various lines, connecting the whole house. It is impossible for a room to be self-contained. It is a whole arrangement of the whole system. Outside the big house, there are special electric water meters for monitoring. Globalization of the world is now the result of a change in the structure of the entire world system, with the construction of new pipeline lines and the installation of a unified management and inspection meters. For large areas, Russia administrative structure has seven levels, five in China, three in the United States, federal, state, and city, and the county has no real power. If the central government of the world is established, I wonder how many layers there will be, whether there will be regional organizations such as European Union(EU),  African League (AL), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO), or just an unified central government above the countries.



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