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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-02-27 0:16 已读 1534 次  



Dec 5, 2018 at 8:26 PM

Dear Vladimir, Math, Apple, David , Steven:

老实说 , 我到今天都想不明白,为什么Jackie 和我会在这里?而且我来美国那么多年,基本不写日记的,只有一两次,实在情绪没有地方发泄,会写几句给自己看的可是我知道有一个天上的,法力无边的Sir, 他看见了,他懂得了我。突然间就遇见了Steven, 习和王,他们一张口,就几乎每天让我写短文,想写什么写什么! 以前小时候爸爸每天逼我写日记,小时候写的文章,经常被老师拿在课堂里朗读。突然之间好像我又回到少女时代,这么多年憋在心里的话如泉水一般涓涓流出。后来加入的全世界的领袖们,如果他们看了我的文章,一定会觉得我是疯子。

To be honest, I still don't understand why Jackie and I are here. And I came to the United States for so many years, basically do not write any diary, only once or twice, when there was no place to vent my emotions, I would write a few sentences to myself. But I knew there was a heavenly, powerful Sir, and he saw it, and he understood me. Suddenly Jackie met Steven, Xi and Wang, they opened their mouthes, almost every day asked me write essays, write whatever I felt like! In the past, when I was a child, my father forced me to write a diary every day, and the articles I wrote were often taken by my teacher to read aloud in the classroom. Suddenly it was as if I were a girl again, and the words that had been kept in my heart for so many years trickled out like a spring. Later, the leaders of the world, if they read my article, will think I am crazy.


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