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讲拉丁美洲 三

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-02-24 1:36 已读 1474 次  






Latin America is full of resources, oil, forests, farm land, mine, people. I think if it can eliminate gang networks, limit corruption, enhance government control, set up a better educational system, introduce in more advanced hi tech industries. Thus , they will make more profit rather than just selling raw materials. The government will have better efficiency, make better economy. Also I think they should build high-speed train connecting north America continent, make several connecting tourist rings. Divide Latin America into different economic regions, develop characteristic all kinds products , including cultural products. DO get rid of drugs! The same time, combine top-level resources, for world wide management, use them optimally! It is a big continent, with mixed cultural from Europe, local Indian, and African. If they can allow more Asian settle in this land, it will definitely add culture varieties and bring more prosperous on this land. 

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