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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-02-22 23:46 已读 1554 次  



亲爱的苏丹,如果你邀请Jackie和我访问安曼,会包括阿联酋,卡塔尔,科威特,沙特阿拉伯,甚至是也门吗? (我太贪心了)我们渴望体验如此独特的阿拉伯文化!Jackie甚至学会了跳肚皮舞,虽然看上去根本不性感!哈哈哈,Jackie和我也可以在那里戴头巾,不开玩笑! Haha  亲爱的苏丹,您是否看过中国西部绿化沙漠的消息?这是一个奇迹!也许阿拉伯半岛,你的国家,也可以请中国人来为你绿化!你能想象一片绿色美丽的阿拉伯土地吗?那一切都好事都有可能!


Dear Sultan, if you invite Jackie and Me to visit Oman, will it also include UAE , Qatar, Kuwait , Saudi Arabia, even Yemen?  (so greedy) We are long for experiencing the so unique Arabian culture! Jackie even learned to do belly dancing although it is not sexy at all! Hahaha , Jackie and I can wear hijabs there too, no kidding! Haha Dear Sultan, did you read the news of Chinese greening the Desert in west of China? This is a miracle! Maybe Arabian Peninsula , your country , can also ask Chinese to make it green for you! Can you imagine a green beautiful Arabian land? Then everything good is possible!!

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