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写给安曼国王 一

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-02-22 0:15 已读 1462 次  



苏坦王  For Oman Sultan. (working on Arabian Peninsular, Persian Gulf)

Dec 2, 2018 at 7:42 PM


Dear Sultan:

首先,请原谅我,Jackie,称你为苏丹王。因为伊斯兰世界的大多数国王都有很长的名字,是的,这显示了他们可敬的高贵头衔。然而,小Jackie很难记住它们。所以我有一个想法,给每个人一个有趣的昵称,比如说,哈里发是阿联酋国王,你是苏丹王 Hahaha 这两天 Jackie和你说了很多话你知道Caliphate的女儿AliyaJackie的年龄相仿有着类似 Tomboy 的个性当她们两个人通过电话交谈时,很热烈,很刺激,很响亮!每次都像打乒乓球对话!当Jackie跟你说话的时候,即使我在房间外面,我觉得这就像你给她一个有趣的脱口秀节目,她一直笑得很响。我很好奇,你说了什么? 要么你是一个非常有趣的谈话者,要么你们两个有一定的自然联系。她喜欢你,很喜欢!


First, excuse me for Jackie and I call you “sultan”. as most of the kings in Islamic world have very long names, Yes indeed, that shows their respectable noble titles. yet, it is really difficult for little Jackie to memorize them. So I had an idea , give each one an interesting nickname, say, “caliphate “ is for king of UAE, and you “Sultan”! Hahaha These two days Jackie was talking to you a lot! You know, Caliphate’s daughter , Aliya, about Jackie’s age, has similar Tomboy personality. When they two talk on the phone, it was hot, exciting and loud!  Every time it was like a ping pong conversation ! When Jackie talked to you, even though I was outside room, I felt that it was like you were giving her a funny interesting talk show , she laughed loud all times. I am curious, What did you say?  Either you are a very interesting conversation holder, or you two have certain natural connections. She likes you, A LOT!

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