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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-02-21 1:29 已读 1449 次  



亲爱的弗拉基米尔,Jackie想念Nieto!她甚至和他的孩子们聊天,和他一起演奏音乐,和他的妻子一起享受拉丁舞。 Nieto很年轻,有十几岁的孩子!我们听说他很伤心,我们为他感到难过!我不知道如何安慰他,他找到了新职位了吗?或者他会像我一样,没有工作!没希望!没有收入!脾气暴躁的!或者甚至更糟糕的是,有人可能会使用他,利用他而不给他任何报酬!不,我能理解为什么那里有那么多帮派成员,因为这是生存唯一的方式,没有帮助,没有教育背景,又雄心勃勃,所以他们可以生存,并赚快钱!


Dear Vladimir, Jackie missed Nieto so much! She even talked to his kids, Played music with him together, enjoyed his Latin dances with his wife. Nieto is so young, with teenager kids! We’ve heard that he is very sad, We felt sorry for him! I don’t know how to comfort him , has he found a new position yet? Or he will be like me, no job! no hope ! no income! grumpy! Or even worse, someone may use him , exploit him without paying him nothing! No I can understand why there are so many gang members there, because that’s the only way well those no help no educational background ambitious , so they can survive and make big quick money! 

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