CVN 75 - USS Harry S. Truman
with CVW-1 embarked - Atlantic Ocean - July 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Atlantic Ocean - July 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Atlantic Ocean - July 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Atlantic Ocean - July 2018 with CVW-1 embarked and FGS Hessen (F 221) alongside - Atlantic Ocean - July 2018 Gibraltar, leaving the Mediterranean Sea - June 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Strait of Gibraltar - June 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Strait of Gibraltar - June 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Mediterranean Sea - June 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Marseille, France - June 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Marseille, France - June 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Mediterranean Sea - June 2018 Souda Bay, Greece - May 2018 Mediterranean Sea - May 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - Strait of Gibraltar into Mediterranean Sea - April 2018 Atlantic Ocean - April 2018 departing Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia - April 2018 departing Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia - April 2018 departing Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia - April 2018 departing Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia - April 2018 Norfolk, Virginia - April 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX) - Atlantic Ocean - February 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX) - Atlantic Ocean - February 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX) - Atlantic Ocean - February 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX) - Atlantic Ocean - February 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX) - Atlantic Ocean - February 2018 with CVW-1 embarked - composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX) - Atlantic Ocean - February 2018 USS Harry S. Truman has successfully completed Tailored Shipboard Test Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) - Atlantic Ocean - October 2017 USS Harry S. Truman has successfully completed Tailored Shipboard Test Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) - Atlantic Ocean - October 2017 USS Harry S. Truman has successfully completed Tailored Shipboard Test Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) - Atlantic Ocean - October 2017 USS Harry S. Truman has successfully completed Tailored Shipboard Test Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) - Atlantic Ocean - October 2017 USS Harry S. Truman has successfully completed Tailored Shipboard Test Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) - Atlantic Ocean - October 2017 USS Harry S. Truman has successfully completed Tailored Shipboard Test Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) - Atlantic Ocean - October 2017 USS Harry S. Truman has successfully completed Tailored Shipboard Test Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) - Atlantic Ocean - October 2017 Atlantic Ocean - October 2017 Atlantic Ocean - September 2017 Atlantic Ocean - September 2017 Atlantic Ocean - September 2017 emergency crash barricade training - August 2017 Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia - July 2017 USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) departs Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) one day early following a 10-month planned incremental availability - July 2017 USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) departs Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) one day early following a 10-month planned incremental availability - July 2017 Norfolk Naval Shipyard - August 2016 Portsmouth, Virginia - August 2016 Portsmouth, Virginia - August 2016 Atlantic Ocean - August 2016 Atlantic Ocean - August 2016 Atlantic Ocean - August 2016 Atlantic Ocean - August 2016 Norfolk, Virginia - July 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - July 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - July 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - July 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Souda Bay, Greece - June 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Souda Bay, Greece - June 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Souda Bay, Greece - June 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Mediterranean Sea - June 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Mediterranean Sea - June 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Mediterranean Sea - June 2016 Bahrain - April 2016 Bahrain - April 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Arabian Gulf - March 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Arabian Gulf - March 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Arabian Gulf - March 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Arabian Gulf - February 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Arabian Gulf - February 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Arabian Gulf - February 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Arabian Gulf - February 2016 with CVW-7 embarked - Arabian Gulf - February 2016 Norfolk, Virginia - November 2015 Norfolk, Virginia - October 2015 Atlantic Ocean - September 2015 Atlantic Ocean - June 2015 Atlantic Ocean - June 2015 Atlantic Ocean - June 2015 Portsmouth, Virginia - November 2014 aircraft barricade drill - July 2014 July 2014 July 2014 Norfolk, Virginia - April 2014 Atlantic Ocean - April 2014 air traffic control - April 2014 air traffic control - April 2014 with CVW-3 embarked - Gibraltar - April 2014 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - March 2014 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - March 2014 Gulf of Oman - March 2014 Gulf of Oman - March 2014 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - January 2014 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - January 2014 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - January 2014 French Navy Rafale-M aircraft aboard USS Harry S. Truman - January 2014 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - December 2013 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - November 2013 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - November 2013 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - October 2013 with CVW-3 embarked - Gulf of Oman - September 2013 Norfolk, Virginia - July 2013 Norfolk, Virginia - July 2013 Norfolk, Virginia - July 2013 Norfolk, Virginia - July 2013 X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) aboard USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) - December 2012 X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) tests aboard USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) - December 2012 X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) tests aboard USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) - December 2012 X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) tests aboard USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) - December 2012 Atlantic Ocean - July 2012 Atlantic Ocean - July 2012 Atlantic Ocean - July 2012 Norfolk, Virginia - July 2012 trials - July 2012 trials - July 2012 leaving Norfolk, Virginia - July 2012 Portsmouth, Virginia - July 2012 Norfolk, Virginia - March 2011 Atlantic Ocean - February 2011>> continue - CVN 75 image page 2
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