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CVN 72 - USS Abraham Lincoln

送交者: 刀锋[♂☆★★★仁党政治委员★★★☆♂] 于 2022-10-02 16:12 已读 1360 次 1赞  



Newport News, Virginia - November 2014

Newport News, Virginia - November 2014

Newport News, Virginia - April 2014

Norfolk, Virginia - August 2012

Norfolk, Virginia - August 2012

August 2012

August 2012

Mayport, Florida - August 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - August 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - June 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - June 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - June 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - June 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - May 2012

May 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - April 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - April 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - April 2012

aircraft elevator - April 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - April 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - April 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - March 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - March 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - February 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - February 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) alongside - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2012

with CVW-2 embarked - December 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - December 2011

Everett, Washington - December 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2011

Everett, Washington - March 2011

Everett, Washington - March 2011

San Diego, California - March 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - March 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - March 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - March 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - January 2011

with CVW-2 embarked - December 2010

with French Navy aircraft carrier FS Charles de Gaulle (R 91) alongside - December 2010

with CVW-2 embarked - December 2010

with CVW-2 embarked - December 2010

with CVW-2 embarked - December 2010

with CVW-2 embarked - October 2010

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2010

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2010

 San Diego, California - September 2010

Bremerton, Washington - January 2010

Everett, Washington - October 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - September 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - April 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - April 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - March 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - March 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - March 2008

with CVW-2 embarked - November 2007

Everett, Washington - August 2007

RIM-7P Sea Sparrow missile was fired from a Mk-29 missile launcher aboard USS Abraham Lincoln - August 2007

RIM-7P Sea Sparrow missile was fired from a Mk-29 missile launcher aboard USS Abraham Lincoln - August 2007

Everett, Washington - June 2007

Everett, Washington - June 2007

with CVW-2 embarked - July 2006

with CVW-2 embarked - June 2006

with CVW-2 embarked - exercise RIMPAC 2006

with CVW-2 embarked - March 2006

Everett, Washington - October 2005

with CVW-14 embarked - November 2002

with CVW-14 embarked - September 2002

with CVW-14 embarked - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - August 2002

with CVW-14 embarked - exercise Northern Edge - April 2002

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - February 2002

with CVW-14 embarked - exercise RIMPAC 2000

with CVW-14 embarked - exercise RIMPAC 2000

en route to NAS Alameda, California - June 1994

with CVW-11 embarked - June 1993

with CVW-11 embarked - June 1993

January 1993

with CVW-11 embarked - May 1991

with CVW-11 embarked - October 1990

September 1990

September 1990

Newport News, Virginia - May 1990


commissioning ceremony - November 1989
Abraham Lincoln


喜欢刀锋朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


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