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送交者: balabingbang[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2022-09-25 2:29 已读 5670 次  


For those who are willing and able to face our situation where it stands, it's a useful object of contemplation that brings up a lot of highly relevant questions about how to better live life to its fullest. Questions that kind of demand answers. Questions like, would I be happy with the way I've been spending my time lately if it turned out that tomorrow is the day the ICBMs start flying?

Would I be content with the things that my interest and attention have been focusing on, not just in my outward expression but silently in my mind?

What would I wish I had done? What would I wish I had done more of? What would I wish I had stopped doing?

Are there any chances I'd wish I'd have taken? Chances on love? Chances on life? Things I've held off on saying to people because it would require making myself more vulnerable than I am comfortable?

Am I happy with who I've been spending my time with? Have they been making the experience of this life more fulfilling than it would be without them in it, or less? Are they the people I'd want with me in the end?

Has my political energy and attention been spent wisely? Have I been focusing on the most important issues I could choose to focus on, knowing that nuclear war could be right around the corner? Or have I been getting lost in vapid partisan bickering, sectarian infighting, or dopey culture war distractions?

Have I done everything I possibly can to prevent a nuclear exchange between the US power alliance and Russia and/or China? Could I have helped draw more public awareness to this supremely important issue?

Have I been doing my best to really be present in each moment, or is my attention mostly consumed by my churning mental monologue? Is there anything I can do to spend more time in the present instead of in my head?

Am I really relishing my time here on this earth? Appreciating the thunderous beauty which surrounds me? Treasuring my encounters with my loved ones? Cherishing the sensory kiss of each moment? Adoring this world while it lasts? What intentions can I set for myself to help me really live this terrestrial life to its fullest?

Have I been living a life of truth and integrity? Have my behavior, speech and thinking aligned with what I know to be true? With what I believe to be valuable? With what I think of as an authentic human being?

Only you can answer these questions for yourself, but they do deserve answers.

对于那些愿意并且能够面对自身所处境地的人来说,有一系列与充实生活高度相关的必答题值得认真沉思,例如,若已知明天开始洲际弹道导弹会满天飞,我会对我最近虚度光阴的方式感到满意吗? 我会认可自己的兴趣和关注的事情吗?不仅仅是外在表达上,还包括内心和自己的静默对话? 我希望我做了什么?我希望我做更多的是什么?我希望我停止做什么? 有没有我希望把握却错失的机会?谈恋爱的机会?人生的机会?我有没有因为某些话说出来要离开舒适区并暴露自己弱点而欲言又止? 我对与谁共度时光感到满意吗?他们是否让今生的体验比没有他们时更充实,还是更贫乏?他们是我想要和我一起走完人生旅程的人吗? 我的政治精力和注意力是否被明智地使用了?我是否一直专注于我可以选择关注的最重要的问题,已知核战争可能近在旦夕?还是迷失于无意义的党派争吵、宗派内讧,或不幸被愚蠢的文化战争分心? 我是否已尽我所能阻止美国权力联盟与俄罗斯和/或中国之间的核交换?我能否帮助提升公众对这个极其重要的问题的认识? 我是否一直在尽我最大的努力在每一刻都真实存在,还是把注意力主要花在了我翻腾的心理独白上?我能做些什么来花更多时间在现在而不是在我的脑海里? 我真的很享受我在这个地球上的时光吗?欣赏围绕我的雷鸣般的美丽?珍惜我与亲人的相遇?珍惜每一刻的感性之吻?在这个世界存在的时候崇拜它?怎样为自己设定企图心来帮助我真正充分地在这种地球生活中活着? 我一直过着真实和正直的生活吗?我的行为、言语和思想是否与我所知道的真实一致?我认为有价值的东西是什么?我认为自己是一个真实的人吗? 只有您自己可以回答这些问题,但它们确实值得回答。

坛主:balabingbang于2022_09_29 11:42:30编辑

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