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送交者: sitnam[♂★★虾钟钱★★♂] 于 2022-06-15 22:59 已读 1982 次  










#倒习 #翡翠运动 #不让中国成朝鲜 #讨伐习世凯 #反对习世凯复辟 #反对习特勒集中营 #打倒习奥塞斯库 #祈翠


请根据自己具体情况灵活选择合适的方式传播倒习救国理念,在海外传播时加上 #翡翠运动 #倒习 标签(以上其他可选),以形成同频共振。如:
1. 拍摄举牌照片、短视频、翡翠图片,广为传播

2. 制作传播声讨习氏恶政暴政的“辱包”“祈翠”等内容图文、动漫

3. 张贴、传递翡翠运动传单(国内请注意安全)

4. 给身边亲友讲时局,尤其是劝阻公检法军警特勿做帮凶和民族罪人

5. 邀请同道参与;转发点赞“翡翠运动”相关资讯

6. 爆料、追查习氏家族及其走狗发国难财、贪腐及洗钱罪行

7. 联络各方,形成合力,适当的时候一起冲塔...





投稿、爆料邮箱:feicui2022@proton.me (请勿用国内邮箱联系我们)

Overthrow Xi Save China Campaign (“Jade Campaign”)

Dear patriotic fellow countrymen and women,

Our nation has reached its most dangerous point again!

“Because the fault – Maoism - has not been corrected, its evil accumulates and becomes Xi.” Xi Jinping has been in power for ten years, and his political perversions have led to an economy on the verge of collapse, people's livelihoods in dire straits, national laws in disrepair, education and culture in total regression, exorbitant rate of taxes, natural and man-made disasters everywhere, “cash splash”and wolf diplomacy making China an enemy of the world, the resurgence of the Cultural Revolution and the comeback of the cult of personality, the wanton deprivation of people's freedoms, and the unprecedented deterioration of human rights… China is at its darkest since the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre!

In Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and the vast inland China, the people everywhere are subjected to abuses by the tyranny. People of all ethnic groups who demand human rights and freedom, exposed atrocities and help the disadvantaged have been persecuted as never before, and civil society has almost been destroyed. Under Xi’s “personal command and deployment”, Covid-19 broke out in Wuhan and wreaked havoc across the globe, killing numerous people and causing incalculable damage in China and around the world!

Faced with such a reckless, ruthless tyrant, the Chinese Communist Party is at the end of its wits. This year, when the Chinese Communist Party is due to change its leader, Xi refuses to step down. He’s attempting to reinstate imperial monarchy in disguise, establishing a digital totalitarian dynasty and turning all the people of China into slaves.

With such a raging outcry, China’s entire netizen population - more than a billion people - cannot save the Chained Mother of Eight in Xuzhou! One can imagine that if Xi realizes his ambition, “1984” will become a reality in China, and all the people of China will find it difficult to rise up from under his brutal rule, and there will be no way out! Therefore, we must not sit back and watch Xi act recklessly, pushing the Chinese nation into the abyss of doom and destruction.

Xi has made himself the enemy of all Chinese people, even the enemy of the whole world. Opposing Xi's efforts to reinstate imperial monarchy and close down China and stopping him from establishing a digital totalitarian dynasty is now the greatest common denominator in the interests of all sectors of the Chinese society, inside and outside the system, at home and abroad, and in the international community. For this reason, we have decided to launch the Jade Campaign / Overthrow Xi Save China Campaign (Note: jade ‘翡翠’ alludes to ‘down with Xi’/’wishing Xi good riddance’).

Our ultimate goal is to end the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party and realize constitutional democracy in China. However, we have to take one step at a time. The most urgent task at hand is to unite all the forces that can be united to defeat Xi, and in this way to promote China's progress and end the one-party dictatorship of the CCP as soon as possible. On the eve of the 20th Communist Party Congress, this is the best time for we the people to save ourselves, and perhaps even the last window of opportunity for the Chinese nation. Xi's campaign-style pandemic prevention has caused immeasurable damage across the country. A megacity like Shanghai can be locked down at will, destroying the economy, causing numerous humanitarian disasters and unprecedented levels of anger. Now Xi is at his lowest point; he has not grasped absolute power and he is under pressure. If we the people do not rise up now, when will we rise up to save ourselves and our children? When will we let out our last roar?

We invite you to join our campaign.


#downXi; #JadeCampaign;

Overthrow Xi Save China;

Say No to Xitler;

Do not let China become North Korea; Crusade against Emperor Xi;

Oppose Xi’s restoration of monarchy; Oppose Xitler's Concentration Camps…

Key hashtags: #downXi #JadeCampaign

Ways to participate:

Please choose whatever method that suits your own situation to share the message. Possible ways include:

1. Take selfies / short videos holding signs or pictures of jade jewellery items and share them widely;

2. Create and share creative graphics/animation/videos about Xi’s crimes against humanity;

3. Post and pass around flyers (Please be careful if you are in China);

4. Tell friends and relatives about the current situation. Discourage law enforcement and military personnel not to be accomplices of the evil regime.

5. Invite friends to join the #DownXi campaign / #JadeCampaign.

6. Track down the Xi family and their minions for evidence of corruption and money laundering.

7. Liaise with all people from all walks of life to form a united force. When the time is right, come together to challenge the regime...

Currently, public discontent is boiling in China; people are desperate for change; everyone is disgusted with Xi, and the international community is strongly anti-Xi. Xi faces the same fate as Romania's Ceausescu. On that day, at a meeting of the National Assembly, someone suddenly shouted, “Down with Ceausescu!” Thousands of people started to shout too, and the regime was quickly over. When Chinese people are forced to let out a final roar, “Down with Xi Jinping!”, it will break the stalemate; and Xi’s dictatorship will collapse. Then the process of China transforming into a constitutional democracy will begin.

Let’s work together towards that day. Everyone has an important role to play.

Rise up, all those who do not want to be slaves. This is the calling for all: Overthrow Xi!

Global Overthrow Xi Save China Campaign (“Jade Campaign”)

June 4th, 2022

Contact us: feicui2022@proton.me (Please do not use Chinese email address to contact us)

贴主:sitnam于2022_06_15 22:59:40编辑
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