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送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2022-04-27 19:49 已读 2153 次  


In China, when people talk about karma, usually they emphasise rewards or punishments.

It seems that the goal is always more important than the straight arrow.

If there was a universally accepted symbol or sign of karma, it would mean that we could be assured that our good deeds would definitely be rewarded or our bad deeds would definitely be punished.

Though I wonder how the universe can determine which actions are good or bad, or how good and how bad.

Let us assume that this is possible, then it is reasonable to assume that we would have a new and perfect world with little need for any police.

In reality, since it is clear that the police are busy all over the world, it is also reasonable to assume that there must not be an obvious symbol or sign to indicate karma. If there is, it must be too subtle or known to only a few people, otherwise it would be universally accepted.

In fact, the above assumption is a shallow idea.

Can such a sign or symbol really bring us a paradise?

Is a man really a good man if he does good deeds only to be rewarded, or if he would certainly do bad deeds if there were no punishment?

If he is a really bad person, do you really believe that he will give up doing bad things for fear of punishment?

When you treat a person the way you treat a thief, for example by labelling him with a concept like original sin, he will act like a thief because he becomes more and more convinced that thievery is his true nature.

In the novel Les Misérables, Jean Valjean is not punished for stealing silverware, and that changes him. Perhaps that was the first time he was not treated as a thief.

If we can remove ourselves from all labels, concepts, images, phenomena ...... including the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the winners, the losers, .....

from all kinds of ideas of ontologies including body, mind and spiritual experience.

We may find that our true nature is beyond all these things and has always existed.

Therefore, you are no longer concerned with the presence or absence of karma or reward or punishment.

Although from what I can see, we all have one reward/punishment.

When you do good things, the beautiful images you see, such as the smiles of your loved ones, are the rewards.

When you do bad things and the sight before you makes you frown or feel disgusted in your deepest thoughts, that is the punishment.

Are there very sick people who can suppress the feeling of disgust so deeply that they convince themselves that they are enjoying it?

I don't know. Maybe they're just in fiction.

Since I'm definitely not one of those people, I doubt that there are any such people among others.

If you think otherwise, allow me to introduce you to a Chinese poem, 'A thousand rivers have a thousand moons', but there is only one moon, the moon.

This means that all of us may be played by the same actor, the only one, and when you hurt someone else, you are hurting another you, and yourself.

As it takes time to do and act, including watching and listening, you feel not the present, but history.

There is no such thing as "at the same time" or "in the same place".

So when you hurt yourself, you are actually hurting another you at a different time. Since everything, including you and the earth, is in constant motion, it is also another you in a different place.

So why don't you help those who could be or should be another you or yourself.


























不存在 "在同一时间 "或 "在同一地点 "这样的事情。



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