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送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2022-03-30 23:36 已读 251 次  



回答: 我们为什么被创造? 由 湖叶 于 2022-03-30 21:05

What was Adam’s original sin?
It is great to see some of you take the bible as a kind of allegory. However, I don't think that the sin is about honesty or lies.

The self-consciousness, self-awareness, itself is the source of crimes, so as to be called the original sin.

Eve didn't lie, there was a snake, which is an allegory to talk about the sense of continuity such as time or memory. Without this sense, there would be no conditions to form a self-consciousness or self-awareness.

Human being is the most complicate animal on the earth. If your body is too simple to clearly sense the environment, it would be hard for you to sense the moving and changing of everything shown before you.

And without sensing of the moving or changing images, it is hard for you to form a concept or notion of mirror/screen/stage/platform (self-consciousness or self-awareness) which usually be called as self.

I hope I've already made it very clear for you to understand.

If not, please refer to my other answers.

By the way, it is unnecessary to confess to anyone else but to yourself. If you can’t forgive yourself, how could you forgive others.

And although everyone who has self-consciousness or self-awareness is selfish and sinned. Without us there is no meaning for a god, or at least any god's meaning has to be completed by us.

Please refer to another my answer: Min John Zhou's answer to Why were we created (Buddhist perspective)?









请参考我的另一个回答。周敏强对 "我们为什么被创造(佛教观点)?

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