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送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2022-03-30 21:05 已读 9102 次  


Why were we created (Buddhist perspective)?

I don't think a Buddhist would consider that he was created. (By the way I am not a Buddhist.)
He may think that he is a castle built on Lego bricks, or some forest based on woods.
And he may call the Lego factory or seed of woods a kind of emptiness or nothingness.

If so, it means they (Buddhists) are assuming a closed chamber, a sealed space. All detective should search for the murderer within its scope.

By the way, some scientists (if not all of them) are doing the same thing. Otherwise all their logic could be a void effort anytime since it may be undermined by some outer factor anywhere.

People love Sherlock Holmes, admiring his logical ability.

And It is reasonable that we don't like chaos. Without a stable environment such as a sealed room, as a better weapon than our arms and hands, our logic seems weak . It would be like a small boat on a raging ocean. Although this boat is so stable as the logic such as 1+1 always =2, How could we expect it can handle the chaos ocean?

But there is always a different voice.
Ludwig Wittgenstein: Belief in the causal nexus is superstition.

(It is possible that 1=1 is an illusion, 1+1 causes 2 is also an illusion which we believe it as a fact or truth, same as we do in other superstition.)

To me, it means that the creator (the author) could be a monkey who is typing randomly. We just happen to be living in a readable novel where logic appears working but not really, the actually working one is the monkey who creates all the illusion. And there are other unreadable books which could be infinite, including some novels where there are different logic from ours, which must appears ridiculous to us. If we happen to stumble into one of them, we probably would deny all the strange things we meet in order to defend our own logic.

Anyway it doesn't matter who is the author. (This is a everlasting ultimate question and secret not only hidden behind all the things we are sensing but also concealed by all the concepts we're imagining including Tao, God, emptiness。)Let it be, a monkey,some kind of chaos, nothingness, or some even more ridiculous thing, anyone is the same to us.(Unless we have to find and pay him for the copyright.)

People may think the creator (the author) is so important, that all the meanings depend on him. But if an author has no reader, especial a writer of detective novel, is his meaning complete? You can even ask: is there really any meaning for him, no matter how huge or how long living or how great in any way he is?

One day I asked my son who was a little boy, "Is the sky blue?".

"No, at night it is black." He is smart.

"If there is a superman whose eyes are able to and always see the infrared ray or ultraviolet light,to him is the sky blue or black?"

Without the eyes of a life, colors means nothing to the sky.

Why we're wondering the meaning of life, why we don't suspect the meaning of universe, and even the meaning of creator.

No matter how small we are, no matter how brief our lives are.

Laozi: sky/heaven and earth ( which represent the mother nature who create everything) has no mercy.

In order to complete the meaning of the author, the readers have to be ignorant.

A truth teller (an always right fortune teller) would be a spoiler who ruin everything.

The ignorance of the true nature of ourselves are the source of our stress, anxieties, sufferings, pains.

(refer to my another answer Min John Zhou's answer to What is causing Dhukka? )

Is it worthy? depend on how much beauty, joy, love (Sometimes just a simple blue sky can move you) you can find in your life.

If very little, you may deeply wonder why were you created.

























(参考我的另一个答案 Min John Zhou's answer to What is causing Dhukka? )



贴主:湖叶于2022_03_30 21:35:57编辑
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