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送交者: balabingbang[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2021-11-01 14:53 已读 1062 次  


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One of the key turning point for the Chinese group of leaders is that they do see a problem and tried to seek solution to it without the pressure of seeking popular vote to please anyone. They just looked at the long term goal. Some social experiments have ended with lots of collateral damages. But for the past 40 years, their experiment to really open up to the world worked remarkably well for them.  It is not easy at all for a dogmatic leadership to turn around, especially through method that might go against their own dogma. Its akin to the present day theocratic government to adopt non-theocratic solution to their nation's ill. It takes a statesman and a powerful statecraft to achieve it.

The following is a videw by my favoate vlogger Ryan, I think rather than forcing an encyclopedia-like ability to cover every aspect of a subject comprehensively, one needs to marvel at his amazing talent to pin-point the exact quote from an ocean of official documents, presenting his observations with surgical precision in a 16 min video while not missing the bull's eye (主要矛盾). For a foreigner like himself, it's almost like harpooning the exact labeled fish in the vastness of the Pacific. I think his 16 minutes version is better than Richard Wolve's 30 minutes-long narrative above on the same subject.

First, a little background. As you already know, PRC started as a Marxist Leninist socialist country, with a promise to bring its population into the world's front roll seats. Initially, after 1949, the country had a big appetite for violent revolutionary stuff as the CPC's past success had been built on that.
However, after the first 30 years of experiment with various zealous national attempts, people's zest started to unwind, they found themselves unable to even feed themselves, not to mention "Overtaking Britain and catching up with the US". So at the end of the 70s, citizens started to self-doubt when reflecting on the republic's past and there was a nationwide huge discussion that lasted for years about the criteria for Truth Filtering. Towards the end, the nation more or less reached a consensus.
After that, the nation focused on a steadfast chase for economic success mostly except for a few distractions or minor detours such as 89•64 but every time Deng and his CPC circle were able to bring people's attention back to nation-building with a market economy backdrop. However, it's not a story of "living happily ever after", b/c as you know, one of the most important aspects of a market economy is its cyclical behavioral patterns, which in turn were rooted in the very selfish nature of humanity including and way more pronounced within the capitalist subspecies.
Is this the secret that you were talking about, you might ask? No, it's not, it's an open one even if it is. The US wiped Latin America clean in the 70s and 80s simply by alternately pushing the right buttons at the right time, i.e. go long/go short or buy-in/sellout; People like George Soros even make billions simply by applying math modeled mechanism to harvest by "trimming the chives and shaving the wool".
Now you'll ask why don't we as an intelligent species build a mechanism similar to George's to fend off its cyclical impact and therefore benefit collectively? The answer is the same as the one to the reason why we can't lift ourselves off the ground by pulling our hair: greed/selfishness works the same way as gravity——it pulls you, but only one way——ie. downwards.
Here comes the protagonist, the hero in my story. The Chinese government owns over 70% of the economy: the banks, the land, key corporations ranging from electricity、postal、transportation..., etc. This enabled it to interfere with a visible hand when the invisible hand is making a mess.
If you've been observant, you'll notice that China always goes long whenever the economy is down. A very good example is in the photovoltaic industry. In 2012, the EU (the world's largest photovoltaic market at the time) decide to holt all imports from China for one year and later extended it to almost 2 years. The natural reflex of a bank is to withdraw investment with this obvious signal, leaving thousands unemployed and possibly triggering a domino effect, but China's Central Bank did the opposite...(google EU photovoltaic trade retaliation against China)
Almost all governments know this countercyclical measure and wish they can also copy it, but no one is able to practice it the way China does it. This (the jealousy) is also one of the reasons why China is hated among the West and verbally gang-raped widely in Western media.
贴主:balabingbang于2021_12_01 10:42:21编辑
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