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送交者: ywhan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2021-09-16 11:53 已读 1887 次  





把困境的苦涩留在心里, 穷者思变,明理道通.现實和理想之間,不變的是跋涉. 先尋找問題究竟出在那裡, 科學分析,思索以通之,摸着石頭,過自己的河, 到柳暗花明,一步步地跋涉奮鬥中,走向辉煌,主動地走向成功的整個過程.全身心投入境内,倾听矛盾的声音, 將導致困境的我執打通了, 捉住了這個主要矛盾,再從境内打破這困難. 當困境的一切問题都迎刃而解了, 那散發出來的是清香.

客觀和理性的態度是需要獨立思考,不是人云亦云.真理是你我不知,甚至偉人也不知, 還是與其無損的. 這並不取決於別人的同意,還是反對,惟一重要的是分析和判斷是否正確,認識和適應身邊的世界的真實本質. 任何好的思想都並没有结束真理,就像一个偉人也不会因为我们喊了万歲,或为这句口号去文攻我斗就万歲了. 辯證討論使人明智. 討論是不意氣用事,積極地對待矛盾,盡力作出自己的貢獻.不抱怨,不懊惱,不氣馁,以一種平和,從容的理性態度來看待困難,挫折,矛盾,就是心理成熟,谈笑风生出真理的表现. 自己思想一僵化,條條,框框就多起來了. 

盲信 (迷信,或者是對一個好思想不容置疑的信仰, 成了教條主義)與思考(理論要能麵對現實,互相掛勾)是相對立的.  一个人要想从善如流,先就要知道如何去思考,意識到什么是善. 成長是能力上有本貭的提升, 敢于自我突破,每一次突破可能会是自己能力质的飞跃. 尊師重道,以道為先,當仁順道,不讓大師,才有我們後人的跋涉前行,繼往開來的創新. 但我們対于前輩大師,対于偉人仍是尊重的

自強不息地學習是一個人的真正的看家本領. 先適應客觀的世界, 再善于思考和判斷, 最终自能水到渠成,解决矛盾. 討論中, 智慧若流水, 活出生活的樂趣, 才是創造另一個機會的開始這世界不是二元化的,不是只有零與一的關係, 只能妖魔化或者神化一个偉人勿以小瑕疵弃人大美,勿以小怨忘人大恩,实践是检验真理的唯一标准以大師为镜,可以明得失,知興替. 不以成敗論英雄,從前輩的失敗中提取成功的因數,總結,肯定,表揚,使探索持續不斷.


Chiquitita, tell

me what's wrong

enchained by your own sorrow

In your eyes
there is no hope for tomorrow

How I hate
to see you like this

There is no
way you can deny it

I can see
that you're oh so sad, so quiet

tell me the truth

I'm a
shoulder you can cry on

Your best
friend, I'm the one you must rely on

You were
always sure of yourself

Now I see
you've broken a feather

I hope we
can patch it up together

you and I know

How the
heartaches come and they go and the scars they're leaving

You'll be
dancing once again and the pain will end

You will
have no time for grieving

you and I cry

But the sun is
still in the sky and shining above you

Let me hear
you sing once more like you did before

Sing a new
song, Chiquitita

Try once
more like you did before

Sing a new
song, Chiquitita

So the walls
came tumbling down

And your
love's a blown out candle

All is gone
and it seems too hard to handle

tell me the truth

There is no
way you can deny it

I see that
you're oh so sad, so quiet

you and I know

How the
heartaches come and they go and the scars they're leaving

You'll be
dancing once again and the pain will end

You will
have no time for grieving

you and I cry

But the sun
is still in the sky and shining above you

Let me hear
you sing once more like you did before

Sing a new
song, Chiquitita

Try once
more like you did before

Sing a new
song, Chiquitita

Try once
more like you did before

Sing a new
song, Chiquitita.


贴主:ywhan于2021_09_16 17:32:27编辑
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