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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-05 2:45 已读 159 次  




Feb 24, 2017 at 7:39 PM


亲爱的主席,88,没想到你们会称赞我昨天写的短文,我可是把你们后面的倒霉策划数落了一顿.. 你们后面的策划是一个会算计的人,如果我是他,我也是系统设计出生,为了年龄关系和孩子将来的保险,88,我也会为你再配一个年轻如意的因为还在进行中,也许这是把我吊在半空的原因吧?只是,那位策划,你不觉得在所有人当中,我和Jackie才是最需要帮助和配置的. Jackie的将来不定,也没有亲生父亲可以投靠,nothing is secured now , 如果找不到合适的人在边上,是不是就得靠经济作为安全支柱?可我有这些吗?后面策划,人算不如天算的.  还有,为什么让我写的短文公诸于世,让世界上的领袖们,情报机构部门都能够看到?是什么目的把我推到舞台中心了,把我的思想当众广播,但却又不让我正面跟亲爱的主席,88,交流呢?这是不是很反常又动机不纯的?嗯?这两天先是金正男被灭了,今天又看到英达在美国出事儿两个人长得挺像的,亲爱的主席,88,是不是因为,背后情报头子长这样子啊? 好,我讲正事儿,上一次说到,要和伊凡卡以及世界上著名的时装设计师合作,让 Jackie interface 去向全世界参加你们世界政坛的领袖们推销时装,招揽生意因为世界各国的政府都有一定的预算为领袖们,甚至家属们配置适合各种场合的服装那我朝更远处想,政府官员领袖人物的衣食住行娱乐,孩子们的教育各种活动,是不是也有一定的预算和特定的部门来负责的?好了,这就是财源,可以做好多生意,奈早有事体做了!


Dear President, 88, I didn’t expect you to praise the essay I wrote yesterday, but I scolded the unlucky planner behind you. 88, you also gave me a peace of mind, love you. The planner behind you is a person who can calculate, if I were him, I am also a system designer, for age  and future insurance of the child, 88, I would also match you with a young and wishful. Because your  thing is still in progress, maybe this is why I am hanging in the air? But planner, don’t you think that Jackie and I are the most in need of help and resources among all people. Jackie ’s future is uncertain and she has no biological father to rely on, nothing is secured now, if we can’t find the right person on the side, should we rely on the economy as the pillar of security? But do I have it? Planner behind, people arrange things are not as good as Gods. Also, why is the short essay I wrote  made available to the world so that leaders and intelligence agencies in the world can see it? What purpose is it to push me to the center of the stage  broadcasting my thoughts in public, but does not allow me to communicate directly with my dear chairman, 88? Is this very unusual and non-frank? Is it? Two days ago, Kim Jong-nam was killed, and today I saw Yin Da have an accident in the United States. The two looked very similar. Dear Chairman, 88, is it because the intelligence leader behind him looks like this? OK, I’m talking about business. Last time I said, I’d like to work with Ivanka and the world’s famous fashion designers to let Jackie be the interface to sell fashion and solicit business to the world’s leaders participating in your World Political Forum. Because for  the countries of the world,  the government has a certain budget for leaders, and even family members,  to configure clothing suitable for various occasions. Then I think further more, government officials, leaders, clothing, food, lodging, entertainment, children's education activities, does it also have a certain budget and is responsible by a specific department? Well, this is the source of money, you can do a lot of business, you have something to do!

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