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乘着小野 睡觉。。。还是淫文歌~~~~哈哈哈~~~[闷骚]

送交者: flinstone[♂★★维艾屁中屁★★♂] 于 2021-08-30 15:29 已读 3074 次  



One of these nights

One of these crazy old nights

We're gonna find out pretty mama

What turns on your lights

The full moon is calling

The fever is high

And the wicked wind whispers and moans

You got your demons, you got desires

Well, I got a few of my own

Ooh, someone to be kind to in between the dark and the light

Ooh, coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you

One of these nights

One of these dreams

One of these lost and lonely dreams now

We're gonna find one

Oh, one that really screams

I've been searching for the daughter of the Devil himself

I've been searching for an angel in white

I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both

And I can feel her but she's nowhere in sight

Ooh, loneliness will blind you in between the wrong and the right


Ooh, coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you

One of these nights

Ooh, in between the dark and the light

Coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you

Get ya baby one of these nights

(One of these nights)

Hoo-hoo-hoo hoo-hoo-hoo

(One of these nights)

I can feel it, I can feel it

(One of these nights)

Coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you now

(One of these nights)

It gets so dark so dark and all alone

(One of these nights)

One of these crazy, crazy, crazy nights

(One of these nights)

Swear I'm gonna find you, coming right behind you

(One of these nights)


(One of these nights)

I wanna say aaah

(One of these nights)

One of these, one of these

(One of these nights)

Coming right behind you, swear I'm gonna find you

(One of these nights)
喜欢flinstone朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

你露怯吧~~~~~~~~哈哈哈哈。。。。 - flinstone (18 bytes) 08/31/21
形容沒有穩定性。。。 (无内容) - woshidayedi (0 bytes) 08/31/21
(^-^) 学习不是很好 给 flinstone 调上一杯鸡尾酒! - 学习不是很好 (88 bytes) 08/31/21
谢谢才女!!?美女!? (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/31/21
我差点看成 - 学习不是很好 (25 bytes) 08/31/21
??你这哪跟哪啊!?搂着小野 - flinstone (47 bytes) 08/31/21
(^-^) woshidayedi 给 flinstone 赠送一把吉他! - woshidayedi (128 bytes) 08/31/21
(^-^) woshidayedi 给 flinstone 端来一杯咖啡! - woshidayedi (88 bytes) 08/31/21
小野被我們念的七竅生煙。惡夢一場。 (无内容) - 胡汉三又回来了 (0 bytes) 08/30/21
做夢也要打黑鬼!!!? (无内容) - woshidayedi (0 bytes) 08/31/21
是不是女黑鬼~~~~~~~噶?? (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/31/21

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