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Even the impossible!

送交者: ywhan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2021-08-29 10:18 已读 321 次  


I think this Stone's getting ready to roll

I feel a faith that is starting to rise

And I see a world on the edge of revival

I think it's only a matter of time

So, do what only you can do

Move what only you can move

Even the impossible is possible for you

I see a grave that is hollow of power

I see a battle that's already won

And I see a church on the verge of revival (hey)

I see your kingdom has already come

So, do what only you can do

Move what only you can move

Even the impossible is possible for you

You can make the chains come loose

You can tell the mountains move

Even the impossible is possible for you

Even the impossible is possible for you

You said it, I see it

You still do miracles

There's power in Jesus name

All darkness defeated

There's nothing stopping you, my God

There's nothing stopping you

You said it, I see it

You still do miracles

Even the impossible!

There's power in Jesus name

All darkness defeated

There's nothing stopping you, my God

There's nothing stopping you

Do what only you can do

Move what only you can move

Even the impossible is possible for you (Yes, is true)

You can make the chains come loose

You can tell the mountains move

Even the impossible is possible for you

Even the impossible is possible for you

You said it, I see it

You still do miracles

There's power in Jesus name

All darkness defeated

There's nothing stopping you, my God

There's nothing stopping you

There's nothing stopping you


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