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小野来听 淫文歌~~

送交者: flinstone[♂★★维艾屁中屁★★♂] 于 2021-08-27 9:29 已读 2716 次  



Gilbert O'Sullivan - Alone Again (original version) - YouTube

https://www.youtube.com › watch


In a little while from now
If I'm not feeling any less sour
I promise myself to treat myself
And visit a nearby tower
And climbing to the top
Will throw myself off
In an effort to
Make it clear to whoever
Wants to know what it's like when you're shattered

Left standing in the lurch at a church
Were people saying, My God, that's tough
She stood him up
No point in us remaining
We may as well go home
As I did on my own
Alone again, naturally

To think that only yesterday
I was cheerful, bright and gay
Looking forward to who wouldn't do
The role I was about to play
But as if to knock me down
Reality came around
And without so much as a mere touch
Cut me into little pieces

Leaving me to doubt
Talk about, God in His mercy
Oh, if he really does exist
Why did he desert me
In my hour of need
I truly am indeed
Alone again, naturally

It seems to me that
There are more hearts broken in the world
That can't be mended
Left unattended
What do we do
What do we do

Alone again, naturally

Looking back over the years
And whatever else that appears
I remember I cried when my father died
Never wishing to hide the tears
And at sixty-five years old
My mother, God rest her soul
Couldn't understand why the only man
She had ever loved had been taken
Leaving her to start
With a heart so badly broken
Despite encouragement from me
No words were ever spoken
And when she passed away
I cried and cried all day
Alone again, naturally
Alone again, naturally

贴主:flinstone于2021_08_27 9:29:47编辑

贴主:flinstone于2021_08_27 9:30:23编辑
贴主:flinstone于2021_08_27 9:30:46编辑
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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

哈哈哈。。。谢谢 low 兄 (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/28/21
????????我哪里笑了!!!! (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/27/21
你現在看看,誰打壓誰??? (无内容) - woshidayedi (0 bytes) 08/27/21
咱这是以痔娶盛~~~~~~~~ (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/27/21
噱屁~~~~~~~ (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/27/21
(^-^) woshidayedi 给 flinstone 送上一串香蕉! - woshidayedi (89 bytes) 08/27/21
(^-^) woshidayedi 给 flinstone 端来一杯咖啡! - woshidayedi (88 bytes) 08/27/21
(^-^) 小李的妈妈 给 flinstone 送来一个榴莲! - 小李的妈妈 (89 bytes) 08/27/21
(^-^) 小李的妈妈 给 flinstone 送上一束勿忘我! - 小李的妈妈 (89 bytes) 08/27/21
(^-^) 小李的妈妈 给 flinstone 摘来一片四叶草! - 小李的妈妈 (89 bytes) 08/27/21
(^-^) 小李的妈妈 给 flinstone 送上一包开心果! - 小李的妈妈 (87 bytes) 08/27/21
(^-^) 小李的妈妈 给 flinstone 献上一支玫瑰花! - 小李的妈妈 (88 bytes) 08/27/21
敢唱一個我能聽懂的麼? - woshidayedi (45 bytes) 08/27/21
等等我回家贴。。。。 (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/27/21
唱得真好? - bci (117 bytes) 08/27/21
??谢谢,回头我学学~~ (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/27/21
这贴歌真麻烦啊~~~~~~~~~~~ (无内容) - flinstone (0 bytes) 08/27/21

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