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送交者: 笑鸠[♂★★★声望勋衔14★★★♂] 于 2021-07-08 3:58 已读 2795 次  



A commercial satellite photo taken Monday over northwestern China shows what experts say is a construction site for a new silo for a nuclear-tipped ICBM. The construction site is hidden under a 230-foot cover, a common concealment practice observed at other Chinese missile sites. (Planet/Center for Nonproliferation Studies)

Researchers using commercial satellite images spotted 119 construction sites where they say China is building silos for intercontinental ballistic missiles. The image has been annotated to show site locations. (Planet/Center for Nonproliferation Studies)



Left, a section of the Yumen Gansu Changma Windfarm.  Right, a section of the nearby silo field. The windfarm has turbines spaced 400 m apart. The silo field has construction sites, some covered with air-supported structures, spaced 3,000 m apart. This isn't a tough call.

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