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【庆六一】日本电影《狐狸的故事》插曲 - Good Morning World

送交者: Mac_QQ[♂☆★★用♬∮♫交流★★☆♂] 于 2021-06-02 8:01 已读 29615 次  



Wake up, wake up, wake up to the sunrise, wake up to the morning light
Sunshine's spreading out over the hillside, lds of green are turning bright
Good morning world, good morning world, good morning sunshine gold!

Look up, look up, look up to the blue skies, look up to a brand-new day
something's making me feel so good now, what's making me feel this way
Good morning world, good morning world, good morning sunshine gold

Good morning world, good morning world, good morning world, good morning sunshine gold!
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