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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-02-04 11:13 已读 303 次  



北韩也是人类大家庭中的一分子 North Korea is also a member of the human family.


主席让我讲北韩!觉得这个政权就是被人玩弄的一个特例吧! 北韩那些制造核武器的技术是谁给他们的?真的是大陆吗?他自己那么闭关自守,怎么可能跟上时代的高科技步伐,造出那些核武器呢?那就看北韩的表演跟谁配合了,达到什么效果. 以前北韩越南是作为意识形态直接冲突区,因为以前在这些土地上造成了战争,现在应该从现实出发,考虑发展经济为重,将意识形态冲突放一边,让在此土地上生活的人民,过上与世界其他地方人民一样的先进物质文明生活,是吧?因为不跟上现代文明,只纠结意识形态,任何政权都不可能长久北韩也是人类大家庭中的一分子,而不应该在某些落后政权的操纵下,隔离于世!


President Xi told me to talk about North Korea! I feel that this regime is a special case of being played by someone! Who gave North Korea the technology to make nuclear weapons? Is it really the mainland China? How can they keep up with the high-tech pace of the times and create those nuclear weapons? Then look at whom North Korean performs with, and what is the effect. In the past, North Korea and Vietnam were direct conflicting areas of ideology. Because it had caused war on these lands, now it is time to start from reality and consider developing the economy as a priority. Putting ideological conflicts aside, let the people on this land live the same advanced material and civilized life as the rest of the world, right? Because it does not keep up with modern civilization and only entangles ideology, no political power can last for a long time. North Korea is also a member of the human family, and should not be isolated from the world under the control of certain backward regimes!

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