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The Green Leaves of Summer 四兄弟合唱团

送交者: 取笔名很容易[♂☆★春梦了无痕★☆♂] 于 2021-01-14 13:19 已读 1816 次  





The Green Leaves of Summer

             The Brothers 4

Woo, woo,
A time to be reaping
A time to be sowing
The green leaves of summer
Are calling me home "
Twas so good to be young then
In the season of plenty
When the catfish were jumping
As high as the sky

A time just for planting
A time just for ploughing
A time to be courting
A girl of your own "
Twas so good to be young then
To be close to the earth
And to stand by your wife
At the moment of birth, woo

A time to be reaping
A time to be sowing
A time just for living
A place for to die "
Twas so good to be young then
To be close to the earth
Now the green leaves of summer
Are calling me home "

Twas so good to be young then
To be close to the earth
Now the green leaves of summer
Are calling me home

贴主:取笔名很容易于2021_01_14 13:26:27编辑
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我小时候唱英文歌也不少, - 取笔名很容易 (94 bytes) 01/14/21
? - sky9 (57 bytes) 01/14/21
点赞了。手工再点。 谢谢 (无内容) - chuntianle (0 bytes) 01/14/21
谢谢! (无内容) - 取笔名很容易 (0 bytes) 01/14/21
这首也好听。 (无内容) - chuntianle (0 bytes) 01/14/21
是啊,是首老歌了. - 取笔名很容易 (89 bytes) 01/14/21
不是很爱学习,爱玩, - 取笔名很容易 (348 bytes) 01/14/21
音乐不是你的专业? (无内容) - 取笔名很容易 (0 bytes) 01/14/21
专业学过。 (无内容) - chuntianle (0 bytes) 01/14/21
那就是专业的. - 取笔名很容易 (155 bytes) 01/14/21
我学过好几个专业。 (无内容) - chuntianle (0 bytes) 01/14/21
厉害. - 取笔名很容易 (71 bytes) 01/14/21
吾生亦有涯,而学海无涯. - 取笔名很容易 (42 bytes) 01/14/21
(^-^) 取笔名很容易 给 chuntianle 端来一杯咖啡! - 取笔名很容易 (88 bytes) 01/14/21
(^-^) 取笔名很容易 给 chuntianle 送上一包开心果! - 取笔名很容易 (87 bytes) 01/14/21
(^-^) 取笔名很容易 给 chuntianle 送上一桶爆米花! - 取笔名很容易 (88 bytes) 01/14/21
(^-^) 取笔名很容易 给 chuntianle 献上一株郁金香! - 取笔名很容易 (88 bytes) 01/14/21

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