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泰国——签证和旅行系统即将发生变化 2024 年 6 月 4 日

送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-07-03 14:22 已读 218 次  



2024 年 6 月 4 日

作者:Patricia Clarino

外交部 (MFA) 提出的旨在促进旅游业和刺激泰国经济的新签证和旅行措施在最近的内阁会议上获得批准。这些指导方针目前仅概述了新措施的原则。相关政府机构稍后将公布详细的规则和做法。

计划于 2024 年 6 月 1 日实施的短期措施

落地签证 (VOA) 政策将扩大到包括其他国家。

对于来自 93 个国家的游客和短期商务旅客,允许停留的 30 天将延长至 60 天。

引入一种名为“泰国目的地签证”(DTV) 的新签证类别。该签证旨在吸引将工作和旅游相结合的外国人,包括技术专业人员、数字游民以及泰拳、烹饪艺术、体育、医疗、培训、研讨会和艺术展览等活动的参与者。需要提供至少 500,000 泰铢的财务证明或赞助才能获得签证。它提供多次入境,每次入境停留时间最长为 180 天,有效期最长为五年。


中期措施计划于 2024 年 9 月至 12 月实施。

签证代码从 17 个类别合并为 7 个类别(B、ED、F、M、O、L-A、O(L-A))

对在泰国退休的一定年龄以上的申请人的长期签证要求将放宽。非移民 O-A 签证的健康保险押金要求将降低至门诊 40,000 泰铢,住院 400,000 泰铢。

扩大非移民 O-X 签证的合格国家。计划于 2024 年 9 月实施。

到 2024 年 12 月,增加全球所有泰国大使馆、领事馆和贸易办事处的电子签证服务。

长期措施计划于 2025 年 6 月实施。

泰国将为免于签证检查的外国人引入电子旅行授权 (ETA) 系统。ETA 不会收取任何相关费用,符合条件的旅客每次入境时都需要办理。旅客将在前往泰国之前或通过移民检查之前申请 ETA。外交、公务护照持有人和联合国通行证用户以及陆地和水路检查站的边境通行证用户可享受豁免。

实施分为两个阶段:1) 2024 年 12 月前实施临时 ETA 系统,2) 2025 年 6 月前实施整合电子签证和 ETA 的完整系统。

Newland Chase 见解。

这是泰国的积极发展,凸显了他们致力于吸引外国人并简化境内旅行。虽然许多国家越来越重视 ETA 系统等安全措施,但泰国也非常重视吸引高技能外国人、放宽对国际学生的规定以及将交易转移到在线系统以简化流程。我们将继续密切跟踪这些发展,并在有更多信息可用时及时提供更新。

与往常一样,如果您对此公告有任何具体问题,请随时联系您的 Newland Chase 专用联系人或在此处提交咨询

THAILAND – Upcoming Changes to the Visa and Travel System

June 4, 2024

By: Patricia Clarino

New visa and travel measures proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and aimed at boosting tourism and stimulating Thailand’s economy were approved in a recent cabinet meeting. These guidelines currently outline only the principles of the new measures. Detailed rules and practices will be announced later by relevant government agencies.

Short-term measures targeted for implementation on June 1, 2024

The visa-on-arrival (VOA) policy will be expanded to include additional countries.The allowable stay of 30 days will be extended to 60 days for tourists and short-term business travelers from 93 countries.Introduction of a new visa category called “Destination Thailand Visa” (DTV). This visa is geared towards attracting foreign nationals who are combining work and tourism, including skilled professionals, digital nomads, and participants in activities like Muay Thai, culinary arts, sports, medical treatment, training, seminars, and art exhibitions. Financial proof or sponsorship of at least THB 500,000 is required to qualify for the visa. It provides multiple entries with a stay of up to 180 days per entry and is valid for up to five years.Extended visa options are to be provided for international students and recent graduates allowing in-country conversion of a current visa to a work permit once students find a suitable employer.

Medium-term measures targeted for implementation from September to December 2024.

Consolidation of visa codes from 17 to 7 categories (B, ED, F, M, O, L-A, O (L-A))Long-stay visa requirements for applicants over a certain age who are retiring in Thailand will be relaxed. The health insurance deposit requirements for non-immigrant O-A visa will be reduced to 40,000 THB for outpatient and 400,000 THB for inpatient care.Expansion of eligible countries for Non-Immigrant O-X visa. The plan is to implement this in September 2024.Increase e-visa services to all Thai embassies, consulates, and trade offices worldwide by December 2024.

Long-term measures targeted for implementation in June 2025.

Thailand will be introducing an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) system for foreign nationals who are exempted from visa inspection. The ETA will not have any associated fees and it will be required for eligible travelers upon each entry. Travelers will apply for the ETA prior to traveling to Thailand or before passing through immigration clearance. Exemptions are in place for diplomatic, official passport holders, and United Nations Laissez-Passer users, as well as Border Pass users at land and water checkpoints.The implementation is set in two phases: 1) A temporary ETA system by December 2024, and 2) a complete system integrating e-Visa and ETA by June 2025.

Newland Chase insights.

This is a positive development in Thailand and underscores their dedication to attracting foreign nationals and simplifying travel within their borders. While many countries are increasingly prioritizing security measures like the ETA system, Thailand also places significant emphasis on attracting highly skilled foreign nationals, relaxing regulations on international students and transitioning transactions to online systems to streamline their processes. We will continue to track these developments closely and provide timely updates as more information becomes available.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Newland Chase dedicated contact or submit an inquiry here should you have any specific questions regarding this announcement.

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