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泰国 | 批准新的泰国目的地签证类别和其他措施-旅游签证允许停留

送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-07-03 14:18 已读 228 次  


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泰国 | 批准新的泰国目的地签证类别和其他措施




X2024 年 6 月 20 日



正如 BAL 之前报道的那样,泰国政府正在采取多项新的移民举措,旨在促进旅游业和刺激经济增长。

在 5 月 28 日举行的最近一次内阁会议上,政府批准了其他措施,包括:

从 6 月 1 日起,落地签证政策将扩大到包括其他国家。来自 93 个国家的游客和短期商务旅客的允许停留时间将从 30 天延长至 60 天。


扩大就读本科或以上学位课程并持有非移民 ED 签证的外国学生的学生签证权利和就业机会。


个人也可以就业并申请工作许可。身份变更将从教育(非移民 ED)变为工作许可(非移民 B),而无需离开该国。

附加信息:新的泰国目的地签证已获得内阁批准,但有待泰国移民局正式实施。一旦实施,新类别将针对希望进行长期旅游和远程工作的外国人量身定制,包括高技能外国人和数字游民。目前,旅游签证允许停留 60 天并延期 30 天。新签证类别每次入境最多可停留 180 天。签证费用为 10,000 泰铢(约合 272 美元),有效期为五年。个人还可以将逗留时间延长 180 天,并在该国境内更改签证类型。

BAL 分析:内阁已责成外交部和其他相关机构更新和调整其内部法规,并实施这些措施以促进旅游业并刺激泰国经济。一旦泰国目的地签证可用,BAL 将提供进一步的更新并确认其正式开始和详细的程序指南。


Thailand | New Destination Thailand Visa category and additional measures approved

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XJune 20, 2024

The Thai cabinet approved new measures to promote tourism and stimulate Thailand’s economy, including a new Destination Thailand Visa category.

Key Points:

As BAL previously reported, the Thai government is undertaking several new immigration initiatives designed to increase tourism and spur economic growth.

During the most recent cabinet meeting on May 28 the government approved additional measures, including:

Effective June 1, the visa-on-arrival policy will be expanded to include additional countries. The allowable stay of 30 days will be extended to 60 days for tourists and short-term business travelers from 93 countries.

A new visa category called the Destination Thailand Visa will be created for foreign nationals who wish to stay for work and tourism for a longer period.

Expanded rights for student visas and employment opportunities for foreign students who are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program or higher and hold a nonimmigrant ED visa.

The new policy would allow eligible students to stay after graduation for one year to look for a job, travel or engage in other activities.

Individuals may also then obtain employment and apply for a work permit. The change of status would be from an education (nonimmigrant ED) to a work permit (nonimmigrant B) without having to leave the country.

Additional Information: The new Destination Thailand Visa has received cabinet approval but is pending official implementation by the Thai Immigration Bureau. Once implemented, the new category will be tailored to foreign nationals who wish to travel for longer-term tourism and remote work, including highly skilled foreign nationals and digital nomads. Currently, tourist visas allow for a 60-day stay and a single 30-day extension. The new visa category will allow for up to a 180-day stay per entry. The visa will cost 10,000 THB (about US$272) and be valid for five years. Individuals may also be able to extend their stay for an additional 180 days and change visa types within the country.

BAL Analysis: The cabinet has tasked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant agencies to update and align their internal regulations and implement these measures to promote tourism and stimulate Thailand’s economy. BAL will provide further updates and confirm the official commencement and detailed procedural guidelines for the Destination Thailand Visa once available.

This alert has been provided by the BAL Global Practice Group.

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