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正在寻找墨西哥的最佳退休地点? 这六个目的地千万不要错过。

送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-13 14:34 已读 627 次  



正在寻找墨西哥的最佳退休地点? 这六个目的地千万不要错过。





审阅人:Susannah Snider,CFP


2024 年 3 月 13 日上午 10:38








查帕拉湖沿岸有两个田园诗般的殖民小镇查帕拉和阿吉吉克,估计吸引了 20,000 名长期外籍人士。




墨西哥退休夫妇的每月生活费用因地点而异,从 1,315 美元到 2,900 美元不等。


墨西哥拥有许多令人惊叹的美丽地方,这些地方以实惠的价格提供高品质的生活,因此越来越多的美国人南下也就不足为奇了。 据美国国务院称,估计有 160 万美国公民居住在墨西哥,墨西哥一直被列为美国游客的首选目的地。

下面您将找到 2024 年墨西哥最适合退休的六个地点。在编制此列表时,我们与当地专家进行了交谈,并考虑了诸如每月生活成本、交通便利性、靠近优质医疗保健设施、天气、 社区动态、安全、便利设施和语言无障碍。 地点按字母顺序列出。




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伊斯塔帕和锡瓦塔塔内霍是墨西哥格雷罗州太平洋沿岸的双沿海城市。 锡瓦塔塔内霍是一个色彩缤纷的渔村,有着悠闲的小镇氛围。 芝华塔尼欧因《肖申克的救赎》而闻名,拥有鹅卵石街道、热闹的餐厅和舒适的氛围。

邻近的伊斯塔帕是政府规划的度假小镇,拥有各种世界一流的高尔夫球场、餐厅和高层酒店。 墨西哥瓜纳华托的外籍人士指南《半价更好的生活》一书的作者蒂姆·莱菲尔在一封电子邮件中表示,该地区已成为国内游客和越来越多外籍人士的天堂。

生活费用:一对退休夫妇每月约为 1,315 美元。

预计人口:截至 2020 年,锡瓦塔塔内霍人口为 126,001 人,伊斯塔帕人口为 28,999 人。

交通:伊斯塔帕-锡瓦塔塔内霍国际机场位于锡瓦塔塔内霍以南 15 分钟车程处。

医疗保健:该地区有一些私人医疗保健提供者,但设施比其他地区要小。 当地人说照顾得很好。

天气:平均气温从 67 华氏度到 89 华氏度不等。 11 月至 5 月为旱季,部分多云;6 月至 10 月为雨季,多云和降雨。

社区: 外国人和当地人的混合体。





阅读:2024 年最实惠的退休地点



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查帕拉湖位于瓜达拉哈拉以南 45 分钟处,是墨西哥最大的淡水湖。 该湖位于马德雷山脉的山谷中,海拔 5,000 英尺,长 50 x 10 英里。 沿岸有两个田园诗般的殖民小镇:查帕拉 (Chapala) 和阿吉吉克 (Ajijic),估计吸引了 20,000 名长期外籍人士。

这两个城镇都很迷人,拥有适合步行的城镇广场、美味的餐厅、艺术、文化活动和购物区。 然而,阿吉吉克有一个更成熟的外籍人士社区。 查帕拉湖协会是当地的一个非营利组织,定期为居民组织活动。

生活费用:一对退休夫妇每月 1,900 美元。

截至 2020 年,查帕拉的估计人口为 55,196 人。

交通: 最近的国际机场瓜达拉哈拉 A

查帕拉湖位于瓜达拉哈拉以南 45 分钟处,是墨西哥最大的淡水湖。 该湖位于马德雷山脉的山谷中,海拔 5,000 英尺,长 50 x 10 英里。 沿岸有两个田园诗般的殖民小镇:查帕拉 (Chapala) 和阿吉吉克 (Ajijic),估计吸引了 20,000 名长期外籍人士。

这两个城镇都很迷人,拥有适合步行的城镇广场、美味的餐厅、艺术、文化活动和购物区。 然而,阿吉吉克有一个更成熟的外籍人士社区。 查帕拉湖协会是当地的一个非营利组织,定期为居民组织活动。

生活费用:一对退休夫妇每月 1,900 美元。

截至 2020 年,查帕拉的估计人口为 55,196 人。

交通:距最近的国际机场瓜达拉哈拉机场 (GDL) 约 45 分钟路程。


天气:平均气温从 42 华氏度到 88 华氏度不等。 11 月至 5 月为旱季,部分多云;6 月至 10 月为雨季,多云和降雨。


安全:该地区总体上是安全的,但轻微的机会主义犯罪和诈骗很常见。 大量警察和军队的存在致力于确保该地区的安全,因为这里是一个受欢迎且有利可图的外籍人士热点地区。

便利设施:您会在查帕拉地区找到各种各样的当地商店,包括沃尔玛,但需要前往瓜达拉哈拉才能购买 Costco 等一些较大的商店。

语言: 西班牙语为官方语言,但英语也被广泛使用。

请参阅:每月 1000 美元的海外退休最便宜的地方


两个受欢迎的退休热点位于下加利福尼亚半岛南端,相距约 30 分钟; 著名的卡波圣卢卡斯和鲜为人知的洛斯卡沃斯。 两者都是温暖的沿海天堂,您可以在那里钓鱼、在原始海滩上放松、浮潜、水肺潜水、徒步旅行、越野和享受夜生活。

生活费用:卡波圣卢卡斯一对退休夫妇每月约为 2,900 美元。

截至 2020 年估计人口:351,111 人。

交通:洛斯卡沃斯有一个国际机场,圣何塞德尔卡波国际机场(SJD)。 您还可以飞往卡波圣卢卡斯国际机场 (CSL)。


天气:平均气温从 61 华氏度到 91 华氏度不等。 八月和九月是最热的月份。


安全:这两个城市总体上都很安全,但轻微的机会主义犯罪和诈骗很常见。 大量警察和军队的存在保证了该地区的安全。

便利设施:两个城市都有各种商店,包括沃尔玛。 卡波圣卢卡斯(Cabo San Lucas)稍大一些,也有更多,例如好市多(Costco)和家得宝(Home Depot)。

语言: 西班牙语为官方语言,但英语也被广泛使用。


普拉亚德尔卡门 (Playa del Carmen) 位于金塔纳罗奥州坎昆以南约一小时车程处,是加勒比海岸线上一座繁华的度假小镇。 外国人和游客都来这里享受全年温暖的天气、白色的沙滩和碧绿的海水。

当地人称之为普拉亚 (Playa) 的中心是昆塔大道 (Quinta Avenue),这是一条与海滩平行的步行街,遍布商店、酒店、餐馆和夜总会。 但如果您冒险前往周边地区,您还会发现古老的玛雅金字塔、筑巢的海龟、茂密的丛林和各种美丽的淡水天然井。

“卡门海滩不仅是一个美丽的海滩目的地,而且还为退休人员提供了许多好处,例如生活成本低、医疗保健负担得起、步行方便、当地人讲英语、大型外籍人士社区以及前往美国的便捷交通 ”,Viva La Travelista 的 Playa del Carmen 旅游博主 Allison Sicking 在一封电子邮件中说道。


生活费用:一对退休夫妇每月约为 2,180 美元。

截至 2020 年估计人口:304,942 人。

交通: 最近的两个国际机场位于科苏梅尔和坎昆。 坎昆距离酒店约 1 小时车程,科苏梅尔则需要您乘坐 30 分钟渡轮。

医疗保健: 普拉亚德尔卡门拥有许多现代化、信誉良好的私人医疗和牙科护理机构。

天气:平均气温从 65 华氏度到 90 华氏度不等。 十二月至四月为旱季,天气晴朗温暖,五月至十一月为雨季,多云多雨。

社区:普拉亚德尔卡门是来自世界各地的外籍人士的中心。 还有很多当地人和源源不断的游客。



巴亚尔塔港坐落在班德拉斯湾和马德雷山脉之间,是墨西哥哈利斯科州太平洋海岸的一个受欢迎的度假小镇。 外籍人士欣赏其现代设施和旧世界魅力的结合。 居住在巴亚尔塔港,退休人员可以享受温暖的热带气候和美丽的海滩。

钓鱼者会喜欢著名的钓鱼区班德拉斯湾 (Bay of Banderas)。 墨西哥城旅行社 Vibe Adventures 的塞巴斯蒂安·加里多 (Sebastian Garrido) 在一封电子邮件中表示:“这里有丰富的海洋生物,但不仅仅是钓鱼。” 加里多指出,观赏座头鲸是巴亚尔塔港班德拉斯湾吸引游客的另一个吸引力。

生活费用:一对退休夫妇每月约为 2,049 美元。

截至 2020 年估计人口:479,471 人。

交通:PV 拥有古斯塔沃·迪亚斯·奥尔达斯国际机场 (PVR) 执照。

医疗保健:许多现代、信誉良好的医疗和牙科私人护理提供商都在从事 PV。

天气:平均气温从 82 华氏度到 88 华氏度不等。 十一月至五月为旱季,六月至十月为雨季。

社区:由当地人、外籍退休人员和外籍数字游牧者组成。 PV也被称为墨西哥LGTBQ+之都。

安全:城镇的某些地区有非常陡峭的山坡,这可能很危险。 轻微的机会主义犯罪很常见。 大量警察和军队的存在致力于确保该地区对游客和当地人的安全。

便利设施:退休人员可以享受许多便利设施,包括电影院、沃尔玛、山姆会员店、Costco、RadioShack 以及 Tommy Hilfiger 和 Calvin Klein 等美国零售商。

语言: 西班牙语为官方语言,但英语也被广泛使用。


圣米格尔-德阿连德是一座迷人而多彩的殖民时代城市,位于墨西哥瓜纳华托中部高地,距墨西哥城以北约 170 英里。

其历史街区被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,其中包括圣米格尔大天使教堂,这是一座令人惊叹的新哥特式教堂,是该镇的主要焦点。 来自世界各地的侨民纷纷涌入该地区,享受温和的气候、清新的空气、巴洛克式的西班牙建筑、附近的温泉、文化节庆和蓬勃发展的艺术氛围。

生活费用:一对退休夫妇每月约为 1,657 美元。

截至 2020 年估计人口:174,615 人。

交通:距离克雷塔罗洲际机场 (QRO) 约 1 小时 15 分钟,距离莱昂的瓜纳华托国际机场 (BJX) 约 1 个半小时,距离墨西哥城的贝尼托华雷斯国际机场 (MEX) 约 4 小时 坐车。 退休人员会发现进出墨西哥城的航班通常是最便宜的。

医疗保健:当地医生和牙医提供高质量、低成本的护理。 克雷塔罗 (Queretaro) 的医院和专家距离酒店约有 45 分钟车程。

天气:平均气温从 41 华氏度到 85 华氏度不等。 从 5 月到 10 月的雨季,天气往往阴天,其余时间部分多云。


安全:轻微的机会主义犯罪很常见。 该地区总体上是安全的,但夜间在某些人流量较少的地区应小心谨慎。

便利设施:退休人员可以在镇上找到杂货店、工艺品市场、农贸市场和其他商店。 Costco 和 Walmart 等美国商店距离克雷塔罗约 45 分钟车程。

语言: 西班牙语是官方语言,但英语在外籍人士社区中广泛使用。


The Best Places to Retire in Mexico

Looking for the best place to retire in Mexico? Don't miss these six destinations.

By Jessica Walrack


Edited by Tracy Stewart


Reviewed by Susannah Snider, CFP


March 13, 2024, at 10:38 a.m.



U.S. News & World Report

The Best Places to Retire in Mexico


early morning scenic of lake with piers and boats viewed from malecon in chapala jalisco mexico


Along Lake Chapala's shores are two small, idyllic colonial towns, Chapala and Ajijic, that have attracted an estimated 20,000 long-term expats.

Key Takeaways

Mexico's affordability, pleasant weather and established expat communities make it a popular retirement destination for Americans.

The best places for retirees in Mexico are Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Lake Chapala, Los Cabos, Playa del Carmen, Puerto Vallarta and San Miguel de Allende.

Monthly living costs for retired couples in Mexico will vary by location, ranging from $1,315 to $2,900.

English is widely spoken in many of these Mexican retirement communities.

Mexico is home to many breathtakingly beautiful places that offer a high quality of life at an affordable price, so it's no wonder that a growing number of Americans are heading south. An estimated 1.6 million U.S. citizens live in Mexico, and it consistently ranks as the top destination for U.S. travelers, according to the U.S. Department of State. 

Below you'll find the six best places to retire in Mexico in 2024. When compiling this list, we spoke to local experts and considered factors such as cost of living per month, ease of access, proximity to quality health care facilities, weather, community dynamics, safety, amenities and language accessibility. Locations are listed in alphabetical order.


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Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo are twin coastal cities on the Pacific coast of Mexico in the state of Guerrero. Zihuatanejo is a colorful fishing village with a laid-back, small-town feel. Popularized by the "The Shawshank Redemption," Zihuatanejo is home to cobblestone streets, lively restaurants and a cozy atmosphere.

Neighboring Ixtapa is a government-planned resort town that features a variety of world-class golf courses, restaurants and high-rise hotels. The area has become a haven for domestic travelers and an ever-increasing number of expats, said Tim Leffel, author of expat guide, "A Better Life for Half the Price," in Guanajuato, Mexico, in an email.

Cost of living: Approximately $1,315 per month for a retired couple.

Estimated population: 126,001 in Zihuatanejo and 28,999 in Ixtapa as of 2020.

Access: The Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo International Airport is 15 minutes south of Zihuatanejo by car.

Health care: A few private health care providers are available in the area, but facilities are smaller than in other areas. Locals say the care is good.

Weather: Average temperatures range from 67 degrees Fahrenheit to 89 degrees Fahrenheit. The dry season is partly cloudy from November to May, while the wet season brings clouds and rain from June to October.

Community: A mix of expats and locals.

Safety: The area is generally safe but petty opportunistic crime and scams are common.

Amenities: Retirees have access to stores such as Sam's Club, but there are fewer big box stores than in other areas.

Language: Spanish is the official language, but English is widely spoken in expat communities.


READ: 2024 Most Affordable Places to Retire


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Lake Chapala

Located 45 minutes south of Guadalajara is Lake Chapala, Mexico's largest freshwater lake. Set in a valley of the Sierra Madre mountains at 5,000 feet above sea level, the lake measures 50 by 10 miles. Along its shores are two small, idyllic colonial towns, Chapala and Ajijic, that have attracted an estimated 20,000 long-term expats.

Both towns are charming, with walkable town squares, tasty restaurants, art, cultural events and shopping areas. Ajijic, however, has a more established expat community. The Lake Chapala Society, a local nonprofit organization, regularly organizes activities for residents.

Cost of living: $1,900 per month for a retired couple.

Estimated population: 55,196 in Chapala as of 2020.

Access: The nearest international airport, Guadalajara Airport (GDL), is about 45 minutes away.

Health care: You can find private facilities with U.S.-standard health care services in Ajijic and Chapala.

Weather: Average temperatures range from 42 degrees Fahrenheit to 88 degrees Fahrenheit. The dry season is partly cloudy from November to May, while the wet season brings clouds and rain from June to October.

Community: There's a very large, established English-speaking expat community in the area.

Safety: The area is generally safe but petty opportunistic crime and scams are common. A heavy police and military presence works to keep this area secure because it's a popular and profitable expat hot spot.

Amenities: You'll find a wide variety of local stores in the Chapala area, including Walmart, but will need to travel to Guadalajara for some of the bigger stores like Costco.

Language: Spanish is the official language, but English is widely spoken.

See: The Cheapest Places to Retire Abroad on $1K Per Month

Los Cabos

Two popular retirement hot spots are located about 30 minutes apart on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula; the well-known Cabo San Lucas and lesser-known Los Cabos. Both offer a warm, coastal paradise where you can spend your time fishing, relaxing on pristine beaches, snorkeling, scuba diving, hiking, off-roading and enjoying the nightlife.

Cost of living: Approximately $2,900 per month for a retired couple in Cabo San Lucas.

Estimated population: 351,111 as of 2020.

Access: Los Cabos has an international airport, San Jose del Cabo International Airport (SJD). You can also fly into the Cabo San Lucas International Airport (CSL).

Health care: Private facilities with U.S.-standard health care services are available in Cabo San Lucas and Los Cabos.

Weather: Average temperatures range from 61 degrees Fahrenheit to 91 degrees Fahrenheit. August and September are the hottest months.

Community: The area is home to a large expat community, locals and many tourists passing through.

Safety: Both cities are generally safe but petty opportunistic crime and scams are common. A heavy police and military presence keeps this area secure.

Amenities: Both cities have a variety of stores, including Walmart. Cabo San Lucas is a bit larger and has more, such as a Costco and Home Depot.

Language: Spanish is the official language, but English is widely spoken.

Playa del Carmen

About an hour's drive south of Cancun, in the state of Quintana Roo, is Playa del Carmen, a bustling resort town on the Caribbean shoreline. Expats and tourists alike visit to enjoy the year-round warm weather, white sand beaches and turquoise water.

The heart of Playa, as the locals call it, is Quinta Avenue, a pedestrian strip of shops, hotels, restaurants and nightclubs that runs parallel to the beach. But if you venture out into the surrounding area, you'll also find ancient Mayan pyramids, nesting sea turtles, lush jungles and a variety of beautiful freshwater cenotes.

"Not only is Playa del Carmen a beautiful beach destination, but it also offers many benefits for retirees such as a low cost of living, affordable health care, walkability, English-speaking locals, a large expat community and easy access to the United States," said Allison Sicking, a Playa del Carmen-based travel blogger at Viva La Travelista, in an email.

Retirees may prefer the nearby towns of Tulum, Akumal and Cozumel for a more laid-back lifestyle away from the hustle and bustle of Playa.

Cost of living: Approximately $2,180 per month for a retired couple.

Estimated population: 304,942 as of 2020.

Access: The two closest international airports are in Cozumel and Cancun. Cancun is about an hour away by car and Cozumel requires you to take a 30-minute ferry ride.

Health care: Many modern, reputable private medical and dental care facilities are in Playa del Carmen.

Weather: Average temperatures range from 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The dry season brings sunny, warm days from December to April, while the wet season brings clouds and rain from May to November.

Community: Playa del Carmen is a hub for expats from all over the world. There are also many locals and a regular stream of tourists.

Safety: The area is generally safe but petty opportunistic crime and scams are common. There has been violence between cartels. A heavy police and military presence keeps the area secure.

Amenities: There's no shortage of well-known retailers including Walmart, Sam's Club, Old Navy, H&M, and Home Depot. However, the nearest Costco is in Cancun.

Language: Spanish is the official language, but English is widely spoken.

Related: What Makes Harrisburg, PA, the Best Place to Retire

Puerto Vallarta

Nestled between Banderas Bay and the Sierra Madre mountains, Puerto Vallarta is a popular resort town on the Pacific coast of Jalisco, Mexico. Expats appreciate its mix of modern amenities and old-world charm. Living in Puerto Vallarta, retirees can enjoy its warm tropical weather and beautiful beaches.

Anglers will appreciate the Bay of Banderas, a known fishing area. "There's plenty of sea life, but not just for fishing," said Sebastian Garrido of Mexico City-based travel agency Vibe Adventures, in an email. Humpback whale watching is another draw for visitors to Puerto Vallarta's Banderas Bay, Garrido noted.

Cost of living: Approximately $2,049 per month for a retired couple.

Estimated population: 479,471 as of 2020.

Access: PV has Licenciado Gustavo Díaz Ordaz International Airport (PVR).

Health care: Many modern, reputable medical and dental private care providers are in PV.

Weather: Average temperatures range from 82 degrees Fahrenheit to 88 degrees Fahrenheit. November through May is the dry season and June through October is the rainy season.

Community: A mix of locals, expat retirees and expat digital nomads. PV is also known as the LGTBQ+ capital of Mexico.

Safety: Some areas of town have very steep hills, which can be dangerous. Petty opportunistic crimes are common. A heavy police and military presence works to keep this area secure for tourists and locals.

Amenities: Retirees have many amenities to enjoy, including movie theaters, Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco, RadioShack and U.S. retailers such as Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein.

Language: Spanish is the official language, but English is widely spoken.

San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende is a charming and colorful colonial-era city located in the central highlands of Guanajuato, Mexico, about 170 miles north of Mexico City.

Its historic district is a UNESCO World Heritage site and includes the Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel, a stunning neo-gothic church that serves as the town's main focal point. Expats from around the world flock to this area to enjoy the mild weather, crisp air, baroque Spanish architecture, nearby hot springs, cultural festivals and thriving arts scene.

Cost of living: Approximately $1,657 per month for a retired couple.

Estimated population: 174,615 as of 2020.

Access: Querétaro Intercontinental Airport (QRO) is about an hour and 15 minutes away, Aeropuerto Internacional de Guanajuato (BJX) in Leon is about an hour and a half away and Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juárez (MEX) in Mexico City is about four hours away by car. Retirees will find that flights in and out of Mexico City are often the cheapest.

Health care: Local doctors and dentists offer high-quality, low-cost care. Hospitals and specialists are about 45 minutes away by car in Queretaro.

Weather: Average temperatures range from 41 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. It tends to be overcast throughout the wet season from May to October and partly cloudy the rest of the year.

Community: A mix of a large expat community and locals.

Safety: Petty opportunistic crimes are common. The area is generally safe, but caution should be exercised in certain low-traffic areas at night.

Amenities: Retirees can find grocery stores, craft markets, farmers markets and other stores in town. American stores like Costco and Walmart are about 45 minutes away by car in Queretaro.

Language: Spanish is the official language, but English is widely spoken in the expat communities.
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