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送交者: TopAI[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-05-10 13:59 已读 581 次  


一Langkawi Island。


如果没有在这里浮潜,就不算来过兰卡威。 兰卡威岛周围环绕着安达曼海碧绿的海水,是马来西亚浮潜的最佳地点之一。 在兰卡威的所有海滩中,达泰湾海滩和丹绒鲁海滩是您应该前往的两个地方,以获得最美丽的浮潜机会。

该水域以发现黑尖小鲨鱼、蝴蝶鱼、粉红海葵鱼和稀有的兔鱼而闻名。 此外,您还有机会与巨型石斑鱼、海鳗和笛鲷等大型海洋物种一起游泳。

达泰湾海滩是私人海滩,所以如果您打算在这里浮潜,我们建议您入住安达曼度假村和达泰度假村以获得最佳的放松体验。 此外,如果您想探索浮潜以外的其他活动,请务必乘船前往巴耶岛海洋公园和当利岛海滩,充分享受您的假期。



Langkawi Island

You can't say you have visited Langkawi Island if you haven't snorkeled here. Surrounded by turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea, Langkawi Island is one of the best locations for snorkeling in Malaysia. Out of all the beaches on Langkawi, Datai Bay Beach and Tanjung Rhu Beach are the two places you should visit for the most beautiful snorkeling opportunities.

The waters are famous for spotting black-tipped baby sharks, butterflyfish, pink anemonefish, and rare rabbitfish. Also, you'll have the chance to swim with larger marine species such as giant groupers, moray eels, and snappers.

Datai Bay Beach is a private beach, so if you're planning to snorkel here, we recommend staying at the Andaman Resort and the Datai Resort for the best relaxing experience. Also, if you want to explore other activities besides snorkeling, make sure to take boat rides to Pulau Payer Marine Park and Pulau Dangli Beach to make the most out of your vacation.
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