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送交者: guojiang[★★荒野居士★★] 于 2023-11-09 17:08 已读 788 次 2赞  







但在其中一个实验室里,发生了可怕的事情。看门人,一只名叫 Whiskers 的睿智的老猫,发现了四只死猫躺在地板上。他感到震惊和恐惧。他以前从未见过这样的事情。

Whiskers 立即报警。当警官们到达时,他们发现实验室里乱七八糟。设备仍在运行,数据散落在各处。黑板上是复杂的计算和奇怪的符号。












Could you write a story based on following clues:
In a cat university, cats were students. The janitor found 4 dead cats in the lab and reported to the police.
Police came and found the blackboard was full of calculations. One cat lied by a microscope on a desk, data were written on a piece of paper. Equipment were still running.
The police determined: curiosity killed these cats.
It was a bright summer day in the prestigious Cat University, where the smartest and most curious cats from all over the world came to learn and study. The campus was bustling with activity, as students scurried from class to class and professors prepared for their lectures.

But in one of the labs, something was terribly wrong. The janitor, a wise old cat named Whiskers, discovered four dead cats lying on the floor. He was shocked and horrified. He had never seen anything like it before.

Whiskers immediately called the police. When the officers arrived, they found the lab in a state of disarray. Equipment was still running, and data was scattered all over the place. On the blackboard, there were complex calculations and strange symbols.

Lying next to a microscope was the body of one of the cats. On a desk beside it was a piece of paper with more calculations and data. The police realized that this cat had been working on an experiment before it died.

The police interviewed the other cats in the lab, but no one had seen or heard anything suspicious. The cats were all distraught and confused. They couldn't understand what had happened to their friends.

The police examined the evidence carefully. They determined that the four cats had died from poisoning. But what kind of poison? And how had they ingested it?

The police also examined the data on the blackboard and the piece of paper next to the microscope. They realized that the cats had been working on a dangerous experiment. They were trying to create a new type of poison, one that was more potent and deadly than anything that had come before.

The police concluded that the cats had died from their own curiosity. They had been so focused on their experiment that they had not taken the necessary precautions. They had poisoned themselves.

The news of the cats' deaths spread quickly through the university. The students and professors were shocked and saddened. They mourned the loss of their friends and colleagues.

The university administration launched an investigation into the accident. They wanted to make sure that it never happened again. They also wanted to learn more about the experiment that the cats had been working on.

After a thorough investigation, the university administration concluded that the cats had been following proper safety protocols. However, they also found that the experiment was too dangerous to continue. They ordered the lab to be shut down and all of the data to be destroyed.

The deaths of the four cats were a tragedy. But their sacrifice was not in vain. They taught the university a valuable lesson about the importance of safety and the dangers of curiosity.

From that day on, the Cat University made sure that all of its students and professors were properly trained in safety procedures. They also implemented stricter oversight of all experiments.

The four cats who died in the lab are remembered as heroes. They were brilliant scientists who were dedicated to their work. They lost their lives in the pursuit of knowledge, but their sacrifice made the Cat University a safer place for everyone.

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could you translate the story into Chinese?


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