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Romeo and Juliet

送交者: 影云[♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2023-11-12 21:53 已读 468 次 3赞  



Romeo and Juliet

some September morning in 2022

she stood on the balcony
he stood under that
they looked at each other
for a moment
then she flew down
and he flew up
a perfect mating
in the autumnal light

Soon, if lucky, a peacock
would be born
it also could be the opposite

in  comparison
to the aftermath
of war, floods, droughts, famine,
a mass shooting in a mall,  etc.
this unrequited affair
is purely a matter of luck
and romance.

贴主:影云于2023_11_12 21:54:54编辑
贴主:影云于2023_11_12 21:55:40编辑
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美。。。尤其喜欢第二段。:) (无内容) - 尘凡无忧 (0 bytes) 11/13/23
谢谢。 (无内容) - 影云 (0 bytes) 11/13/23
🅰️【Romeo and Juliet】---4xAce - 4xAce (550 bytes) 11/13/23
(^-^) 尘凡无忧 给 4xAce 赠送一只金笔! - 尘凡无忧 (128 bytes) 11/13/23
*** - 4xAce (86 bytes) 11/13/23
你。。。。。 - 尘凡无忧 (60 bytes) 11/13/23
😡 - 4xAce (86 bytes) 11/13/23
噗。。。。。 - 尘凡无忧 (73 bytes) 11/13/23
🅰️【罗密欧与朱丽叶】 - 4xAce (514 bytes) 11/13/23
很贴切。谢谢你。 (无内容) - 影云 (0 bytes) 11/13/23
谢谢汇士的慷慨大方。 (无内容) - 影云 (0 bytes) 11/13/23
(^-^) 4xAce 给 影云 赠送一只金笔! - 4xAce (128 bytes) 11/12/23

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